The meteorological data shown here are derived from the
NASA Goddard Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) GEOS-5 data
assimilation and forecast system. The NASA GSFC GEOS-5 model is run at a 0.3125 degree longitude
and 0.25 degree latitude resolution with vertical levels at the standard pressure levels. The model data are at 6h intervals (0, 6, 12, and
18Z). The GEOS-5 Wiki
page contains the main details on this data.
The plots are all 2-panel. The RHS plot shows the 60-day time-mean profile of the
quantity, while the LHS shows the deviations from this 60-day mean.
1. Temperature
The 6h temperature data are low pass filtered with a Gaussian
filter that has a 1/2 amplitude response at1 day.
These plots are scaled with the square root of pressure to make the
tropospheric values more visible. The 6h EHF data are low pass filtered with a Gaussian
filter to make them more readable. The filter has a 1/2 amplitude response at 1.66 days.
These plots are scaled with the square root of pressure to make the
tropospheric values more visible. The 6h EMF data are low pass filtered with a Gaussian
filter to make them more readable. The filter has a 1/2 amplitude response at 1.66 days.
Last Updated: 2015-06-10
Author: Dr. Paul A. Newman (NASA/GSFC, Code 614)
Responsible NASA organization/official: Dr. Paul A. Newman, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Laboratory