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This record type specifies processing codes for the data. The data object will contain OBJDESC.NPROCS records of this record type, and no records of this type if OBJDESC.NPROCS is zero. The records will be processed in order of their RECSORT fields. Multiple PROCSPEC records can specify an overlap of grid points in their START and END fields, since there can be different processing codes for the same subset of data.


\item[{\hspace{-2em} \underline{format}}] \underline{description}

is the record type code = 50

is the index for sorting the records. Lower valued records will be processed before higher valued records. See the discussion in Section 2.3.2

is an array of Level 0, Level 1, and Level 2 dimension grid points over which this record begins to apply. The first OBJDESC.NDIM0 elements correspond to the Level 0 dimensions. The middle OBJDESC.NDIM1 elements correspond to the Level 1 dimensions. The last OBJDESC.NDIM2 elements correspond to the Level 2 dimensions. Counting begins at 0 or 1 as specified in TEST.SPECB.IDXSTART. See the discussion in Section 2.3.2

is an array of Level 0, Level 1, and Level 2 dimension grid points over which this record stops applying. The first OBJDESC.NDIM0 elements correspond to the Level 0 dimensions. The middle OBJDESC.NDIM1 elements correspond to the Level 1 dimensions. The last OBJDESC.NDIM2 elements correspond to the Level 2 dimensions. A value of -1 indicates the last grid point of that dimension. Counting begins at 0 or 1 as specified in TEST.SPECB.IDXSTART. See the discussion in Section 2.3.2

is the processing code. This code is explained in Section A.2.3

is the number of values in the PROCVAL.INFO field. These values have meaning in terms of the CODE field, and PRCNUM should match the number of values implied by the CODE field. If no values are expected, then this should be set to zero, and there will be no PROCFORM or PROCVAL records associated with this PROCSPEC record

is the number of PROCDUP records associated with this PROCSPEC record

is reserved for future expansion

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Eric Nash 2003-09-25