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This record type specifies how bad or missing data is flagged. There will be OBJDESC.NBADS BADVAL records, and no BADVAL records will be present if OBJDESC.NBADS is zero. Each component of the data will have an associated bad-data flag (VALUE). Multiple BADVAL records can exist covering overlapping ranges in the Level 1 and Level 2 dimensions; each record is indexed and will be processed in order of their RECSORT fields. Note that it is possible to specify different bad-data flags over different ranges of the Level 1 and Level 2 dimensions. For example, a data set of wind vectors might have the bad-data flags depend on the pressure level, but be independent of latitude and longitude. Note also that each flag specification would consist of two values: one each for the East-West component and North-South component of the wind vector.


\item[{\hspace{-2em} \underline{format}}] \underline{description}

is the record type code = 40

is the index for sorting the records. Lower valued records will be processed before higher valued records. See the discussion in Section 2.3.2

is reserved for future expansion

is reserved for future expansion

is an array of Level 1 and Level 2 dimension grid points over which this record begins to apply. The first OBJDESC.NDIM1 elements correspond to the Level 1 dimensions. The last OBJDESC.NDIM2 elements correspond to the Level 2 dimensions. Counting begins at 0 or 1 as specified in TEST.SPECB.IDXSTART. See the discussion in Section 2.3.2

is an array of Level 1 and Level 2 dimension grid points over which this record stops applying. The first OBJDESC.NDIM1 elements correspond to the Level 1 dimensions. The last OBJDESC.NDIM2 elements correspond to the Level 2 dimensions. A value of -1 indicates the last grid point of that dimension. Counting begins at 0 or 1 as specified in TEST.SPECB.IDXSTART. See the discussion in Section 2.3.2

is an array with the length equal to the multiplicative sum of the number of grid points of all the Level 0 dimensions (DIMSPEC0.GPTNUM). They are bad-data flags for each data component and are formatted according to DESCRIP0.DATFMT, i.e., they are in the same numeric (or string) format as the component data values

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Eric Nash 2003-09-25