GSFC Code 916:Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch [menu bar image map]

Deployment 1, Flight 7

December 2, 1999

AROTEL Temperature, Ozone, and Aerosol UV Scattering Ratio Images

Entire Flight Images

Rayleigh Temperature (gif)

Rayleigh Temperature (ps)

Raman Temperature (gif)

Raman Temperature (ps)

Rayleigh Ozone Mixing Ratio (gif)

Rayleigh Ozone Mixing Ratio (ps)

Raman Ozone Mixing Ratio (gif)

Raman Ozone Mixing Ratio (ps)

Rayleigh Ozone Number Density (gif)

Rayleigh Ozone Number Density (ps)

Raman Ozone Number Density (gif)

Raman Ozone Number Density (ps)

Aerosol UV Scattering Ratio (gif)

Aerosol UV Scattering Ratio (ps)

Download Ames Format Data Files

For Rayleigh data click Here (1.5 MB)

For Raman data click Here (0.33 MB)

These data files are ascii files using the Ames data file format developed by Steven E. Gaines and R. Stephen Hipskind. A description of this format can be found on the SOLVE web site.

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Last Updated: 6/01/2001
Web Curator: Grant Sumnicht (Science Systems and Applications, Inc.) (
Responsible NASA organization/officials: Dr. John Burris and Dr. Thomas McGee, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch