; Reads a Level3E: 1x1 grid ; ; define the variables dat=intarr(360,180,18) time=lonarr(360,180) ; prompt for year and day yyc= '' ddd = '' sat = '' read, 'What satellite (n7,ad,ep) ',sat read, 'What year (yy) ',yy yyc=STRING(yy,'(i2)') read, 'What day (ddd) ',ddd ; open file in appropriate directory CASE 1 OF (sat eq 'n7') : $ openr,20,'/misc/isdat2/lvl3e/nimbus7/z'+yyc+ddd+'.n7g',/f77_unformatted (sat eq 'ep') : $ openr,20,'/misc/isdat2/lvl3e/earthp/z'+yyc+ddd+'.epg',/f77_unformatted (sat eq 'ad') : $ openr,20,'/misc/isdat2/lvl3e/adeos/z'+yyc+ddd+'.adg',/f77_unformatted ENDCASE ; read variables and remove multiple of 50 readu,20,time,dat close, 20 dat=dat/50. time=time/50. end