LEVEL 3E: "Expanded" level 3 A detailed high resolution TOMS map data set. 1) Grid - 1 x 1 degree longitude index ranges from 1 to 360 (where 1 is Int'l Date Line,and east is positive direction) latitude index ranges from 1 to 180 (1 = south pole, 180 = N) 2) Values - time(360,180) in gmt seconds 4byte integer - var(360,180,18) 2byte integer ***NOTE: VAR and TIME WAS MULTIPLIED BY 50*** ***NOTE: FILL VALUE IS -5000 (before % by 50) *** 1. ozone 2. reflectivity 3. solar zenith angle 4. satellite zenith angle 5. phi angle 6. latitude 7. longitude 8. terrain pressure 9. cloud pressure 10. land/sea indicator 11. soi 12. residue 340 (N7,M3), 331 (EP,AD) 13. n value 312 (N7,M3), 308 (EP,AD) 14. n value 317 (N7,M3), 312 (EP,AD) 15. n value 331 (N7,M3), 317 (EP,AD) 16. n value 340 (N7,M3), 322 (EP,AD) 17. n value 360 (N7,M3), 331 (EP,AD) 18. n value 380 (N7,M3), 360 (EP,AD) 3) Notes on what went into the data: Selection Criteria if ( o3bst(isampl).gt.0. .and. o3bst(isampl).lt.655. .and. 1 errflg(isampl).ne.5 .and. errflg(isampl).ne.15 ) then Minimize Optical Path defined as : o3b = o3bst(isampl) 1 + (resn317(isampl)*d331-resn331(isampl)*d317) 2 / (sens317(isampl)*d331-sens331(isampl)*d317) path = 1./cos(sza(isampl)*3.14159/180.) + 1 1./cos(view(isampl)*3.14159/180.) path = o3b * path / 1000. 4) Naming and Location The daily files are called: zYYDDD.SSg (where SS=n7,m3,ad,ep) NIMBUS-7 Location of 78305-93126 files:/misc/isdat2/lvl3e/nimbus7 ADEOS Location of 96255-97180 files:/misc/isdat2/lvl3e/adeos/ EARTH PROBE Location of 96198-..... files:/misc/isdat2/lvl3e/earthp/ 5) Helpful code located in this directory Fortran routine reads in variables: read.f Idl routine reads in variables: Idl routine to map a variable: 6) Sizes: 1 file per day = 2.6 Mbyte 7) Notes: 10/97 There was an error in the indexing - now corrected. 11/97 Updating the selection criteria - overwrote old files. 03/98 level 3e files copied to one directory