subroutine wdatar c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c wdatar Jan., 2002 c c Author: Zack Zhang, SSAI c c purpose c write out data to the ozone file c c method c wdatar writes sample independent information to the ozone c file. if lprint(8) = true a summary is printed out for c each sample processed. c c Calling sequence c call wdatar c c variables c name type i/o description c ---- ---- --- ----------- c c arguments c c common/contrl/ c lprint(30) l i printout control flag c lprint(8) debug c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c include '' include '' real*4 qa(21), q0(21), q(21), err_q(20), qtot, err_qtot, 1 r(15), err_r(15), res0(10), res(10), kern(10,20), nval_s(10), 2 tu_a(13) integer itrc real*4 dref c if(.not.iopts(4)) write(13) (bufo(j),j=1,700) c if(lprint(8)) then iorbit=bufo(1) igmt=bufo(2) iseq=bufo(3) idoy=bufo(5) iyear=bufo(6) xlat=bufo(7) xlon=bufo(8) sza=bufo(9) szabeg=bufo(10) szaend=bufo(11) rsensccr=bufo(58) resnccr=bufo(67) isface=bufo(73) isnow=bufo(71) gain14=bufo(74) gain58=bufo(75) gain912=bufo(76) pteran=bufo(68) pcloud=bufo(69) cz pclsat=bufo(42) clfrac=bufo(70) ozcld=bufo(72) ref=bufo(38) cz pref=bufo(46) ialgflg=bufo(39) ierrflg=bufo(37) estozn=bufo(40) stp2oz=bufo(41) ozbst=bufo(36) write(6,1000) iseq,iyear,idoy,iorbit,igmt,xlat,xlon,sza,szabeg, 1 szaend,gain14,gain58,gain912,pteran,pcloud, 2 estozn,clfrac,ref,ozcld,isface,isnow,ialgflg,ierrflg, 3 stp2oz, ozbst, rsensccr, resnccr endif c do i = 1,21 qa(i) = bufo(i + 100) end do do i = 1,21 q0(i) = bufo(i + 121) end do do i = 1,21 q(i) = bufo(i + 142) end do do i = 1,20 err_q(i) = bufo(i + 163) end do qtot = bufo(184) err_qtot = bufo(185) do i = 1,15 r(i) = bufo(i + 185) end do do i = 1,15 err_r(i) = bufo(i + 200) end do do i = 1,10 res0(i) = bufo(i + 215) end do do i = 1,10 res(i) = bufo(i + 225) end do do j = 1,20 ioff = (j - 1)*10 + 235 do i = 1,10 kern(i,j) = bufo(i + ioff) end do end do do i = 1,10 nval_s(i) = bufo(i + 435) end do do i = 1,13 tu_a(i) = bufo(i + 445) end do itrc = bufo(459) dref = bufo(460) c return c c format statements c 1000 format (/'Subroutine wdatar'/'output info: ','iseq = ',i5, 1 ' iyear = ',i4,' idoy = ',i4/ 2 ' iorbit = ',i8, ' igmt = ',i8, /, 3 ' xlat = ',f9.4,' xlon = ',f9.4, /, 4 ' sza = ',f8.4,' szabeg = ',f8.4, ' szaend = ',f8.4,/, 5 ' gain14 = ',f8.4,' gain58 = ',f8.4, ' gain912 = ',f8.4,/, 6 ' pteran = ',f8.4,' pcloud = ',f8.4 ,/, 7 ' estozn = ',f10.4,' clfrac = ',f8.4, ' ref = ',f8.4,/, 8 ' ozcld = ',f8.4, ' isface = ',i8,/, 9 ' isnow = ',i8 ,' algflg = ',i8 , ' errflg = ',i8,/, 9 ' stp2oz = ',f10.4,' ozbst = ',f10.4 ,/, 9 ' rsensccr = ',f10.4,' resnccr = ',f10.4 ) c end