subroutine dproc(error) c c*********************************************************************** c c dproc september 2001 charlie wellemeyer ssai c c purpose c dproc functions as the file processor sub-driver and controls c the data processing for one input/output file pair. some c of its functionality is not fully developed in this c engineering version of the code. c c method c calls oproc to process one file of input data. c c calling sequence c call dproc(error) c c variables c name type i/o description c ---- ---- --- ----------- c c arguments c error l*4 o error flag c c local c enddat l*4 flag for end of data on input file c c c subroutines called c oproc c c calling routine sbvmain c c*********************************************************************** c implicit none integer*4 j, i c logical*4 enddat,nodata,error c character*60 hdfdir equivalence (fname(16),hdfdir) c c common /countr/ntcntr(32),nfcntr(32) c include '' include '' include '' include 'satnams.h' c c write (19,1000) c if (nimbus() .or. meteor()) then c write (19,2000) c else c write (19,3000) c end if c c initialize daily counters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c c c**** call oproc to process data for current input file. c call oproc (enddat,nodata,error) c c*** check for exit from file loop (processing complete or error found) c if(error) go to 900 c c call hdfgen to output orbital hdf c c if(.not.nodata) call hdfgen(hdfdir) c 900 continue return c 1000 format(//38x,'i/o'/38x,'---'// 1 33x,'scans rejected'/) 2000 format(19x,'1 sza out of range, nadir view, scan 1'/ 1 19x,'2 sza out of range, nadir view, scan 2'/ 2 19x,'3 data mode is not 3 (normal scan)'/ 3 19x,'4 data flags, word 5'/ 4 19x,'5 data flags, word 6'// 5 ' orbit',10x,'1',12x,'2',12x,'3',12x,'4',12x,'5'/ 6 1x,71('-')) 3000 format( 1 17x,'nadir instrument not analog or sample'/ 2 17x,'view not normal instrument quality'/ 3 17x,'sza in science quality flagged'/ 4 ' scans ', 5 'out of scan data flagged bad', 6 6x,'scans'/ 7 ' orbit read ', 8 'range mode format bad',17x,'written'/ 9 1x,78('-')) c end