0000001 program matscn 0000002 c author: c. seftor 0000003 c date: 12-mar-1992 0000004 c last modified 9/22/93 .... zia ahmad 0000005 c purpose: to include the effect of molecular anisotropy in 0000006 c rayleigh phase function 0000007 c 0000008 c purpose: used in conjunction with the mateer scan code to 0000009 c generate radiance tables for a given ozone profile 0000010 c and for given scan and azimuth angles (modified from 0000011 c profil). 0000012 c 0000013 c last modified 03/07/95... dave flittner 0000014 c purpose: compute spherical correction to the out going beam 0000015 c when integrating after iteration process. Set with lsphout 0000016 c logical variable. 0000017 c 0000018 c last modified 03/08/95... dave flittner 0000019 c purpose: store Z1=I1/(-3/8*muo*sqrt(1-muo^2)*sqrt(1-mu^2)) and 0000020 c Z2=I2/(3/32*(1-muo^2)*(1-mu^2)/mu) so can be used as input into 0000021 c interpolation tables. 0000022 c 0000023 c last modified 03/14/95...dave flittner 0000024 c purpose: set pressure scale height used in gravity correction 0000025 c to rayleigh scattering od. Create new variable pscaleforg and 0000026 c pass in common block consts. Also use logical switch lgcorrect 0000027 c to impliment the gravity correction to the rayleigh scattering 0000028 c optical depth. 0000029 c 0000030 implicit integer*4(i-n), real*8(a-h,o-z) 0000031 integer*4 max_wave, max_scan, max_sza 0000032 parameter (max_wave = 2500, max_scan = 6, max_sza = 10) 0000033 integer*4 nwavl, layr 0000034 C 0000035 C Setting up virtual memory for output parameters 0000036 C 0000037 real*8 wavel (max_wave) 0000038 real*8 i0_out(max_scan, max_sza, max_wave) 0000039 real*8 Z1_out(max_scan, max_sza, max_wave) 0000040 real*8 Z2_out(max_scan, max_sza, max_wave) 0000041 real*8 t_out(max_scan, max_sza, max_wave) 0000042 real*8 sb_out(max_wave) 0000043 C 0000044 C Local Variables 0000045 C 0000046 real*8 p(101),t(101),tl(101),z(202) 0000047 real*8 sbt 0000048 real*8 tmp101(101), tmpcf(2) 0000049 real*8 cofx(4,487),h(487),ps(487) 0000050 real*8 tr, tensit 0000051 real*8 alphp(12), betp(12), xsav(11), xdel 0000052 real*8 psza(10) 0000053 character file_name*200 0000054 C 0000055 C Functions 0000056 C 0000057 logical get_coef 0000058 C 0000059 C Common 0000060 C 0000061 include "cwrite_iter.inc" 0000062 include "emm.inc" 0000063 include "kmat.inc" 0000064 include "log.inc" 0000065 include "consts.inc" 0000066 include "thkns.inc" 0000067 include "atmos.inc" 0000068 include "input.inc" 0000069 include "inchr.inc" 0000070 include "in.inc" 0000071 include "contrl.inc" 0000072 include "out.inc" 0000073 include "totals.inc" 0000074 include "prints.inc" 0000075 include "buff1.inc" 0000076 include "buff2.inc" 0000077 include "buff3.inc" Warning on line 2 of buff3.inc: variable ttl already declared Error on line 3 of buff3.inc: Declaration error for ttl: incompatible common declaration 0000078 include "buff4.inc" 0000079 include "csphout.inc" 0000080 include "cgcorrect.inc" 0000081 include "crefdir.inc" 0000082 include "czfunc.inc" 0000083 include "depolt.inc" 0000084 c 0000085 c if lsphout = True, then perform the out going beam using 0000086 c spherical geometry. If False, then use flat atmosphere. 0000087 c 0000088 data lsphout/.TRUE./ 0000089 c 0000090 c if lgcorrect = True, then perform the gravity correciton to the 0000091 c rayleigh scattering optical depth. 0000092 c 0000093 data lgcorrect/.TRUE./ 0000094 c 0000095 xdel = 0.0 0000096 jjprint = 0 0000097 c 0000098 c --read in all input values 0000099 c 0000100 call iniclz 0000101 call readin 0000102 c 0000103 num_arg = iargc() 0000104 if (num_arg .lt. 4) then 0000105 file_name = 'profil.dat' 0000106 else 0000107 call getarg(4, file_name) 0000108 end if 0000109 if (jprint(10).eq.1) 0000110 1 open (unit=23,file=file_name,recl=160,status='unknown') 0000111 if (num_arg .lt. 3) then 0000112 file_name = '/dev/null' 0000113 else 0000114 call getarg(3, file_name) 0000115 end if 0000116 open (unit=33,file=file_name,recl=132,status='unknown') 0000117 if (num_arg .lt. 5) then 0000118 file_name = 'sumry.dat' 0000119 else 0000120 call getarg(5, file_name) 0000121 end if 0000122 if (jprint(10).eq.1) 0000123 1 open (unit=9,file=file_name,status='unknown') 0000124 write_iter_file = num_arg .gt. 5 0000125 if (write_iter_file) then 0000126 call get_lun(iter_lun) 0000127 call getarg(6, file_name) 0000128 open (iter_lun, file=file_name, status='unknown', 0000129 * form='unformatted') 0000130 end if 0000131 c 0000132 c Make sure storage buffers do not overflow 0000133 c 0000134 if (max_scan .lt. imu) then 0000135 print*,'Too many scan angles to store. Max num of scan angles' 0000136 print*,'is limited to ',max_scan,' and ',imu,' were requested.' 0000137 write(0, '(''Too many ssan angles to process'')') 0000138 end if 0000139 0000140 if (max_sza .lt. nthet) then 0000141 print*,'Too many solar zenith angles to store. Max num of SZA' 0000142 print*,'is limited to ',max_sza,' and ',nthet,' were requested.' 0000143 write(0, '(''Too many scan angles to process'')') 0000144 end if 0000145 c 0000146 jjprint = jprint(1) + jprint(2) + jprint(3) + jprint(4) 0000147 1 + jprint(5) + jprint(6) + jprint(7) + jprint(8) 0000148 len = index(prfnam,' ') + 1 0000149 c 0000150 c open (unit=34,file=prfnam(1:1)//prfnam(len:len+2)//'.OUT', 0000151 c 1 form='unformatted',status='unknown') 0000152 c 0000153 c open (unit=35,file='TOM2.OUT',form='unformatted', 0000154 c 1 status='unknown') 0000155 c 0000156 c 0000157 if (jprint(10).eq.1) then 0000158 write (23,6400) prfnam(1:8) 0000159 write (23,6450) 0000160 write (23,6475) pres 0000161 write (23,6490) nthet 0000162 write (23,6492) nscan 0000163 write (23,6493) iazmth 0000164 write (23,6494) nalb 0000165 write (23,6496) start_wave, end_wave 0000166 write (23,6497) 0000167 write (23,6498) (jprint(j),j=1,8) 0000168 write (23,6500) (j,j=1,11) 0000169 write (23,6600) xprf 0000170 write (23,6700) tmpprf 0000171 write (23,6725) (j,j=1,10) 0000172 write (23,6750) (theta(j),j=1,10) 0000173 write (23,6751) (scan(j),j=1,nscan) 0000174 write (23,6752) (azmth(j),j=1,iazmth) 0000175 write (23,6753) (alb(j),j=1,nalb) 0000176 endif 0000177 call ctol(lwav) 0000178 tmp0 = 273. 0000179 pnot = pres 0000180 ipath = 0 0000181 ipsudo = 1 0000182 jw = 0 0000183 iter_pos = 1 0000184 c --loop over all wavelengths 0000185 num = 0 0000186 do while (get_coef(start_wave, end_wave, wavelen, alpha0, 0000187 * tmpcf(1), tmpcf(2), beta, rhon) .and. num .lt. max_wave) 0000188 if (alpha0 .eq. 0.0) alpha0 = 1.0d-10 0000189 num = num + 1 0000190 wavel(num) = wavelen 0000191 if (jjprint.ne.0) write (33,7902) wavel(num) 0000192 lambda = wavelen 0000193 if (jprint(9).eq.1) write (6,6200) wavelen 0000194 do while (iter_pos .lt. num_iter .and. 0000195 * wave_iter(iter_pos+1) .lt. wavelen) 0000196 iter_pos = iter_pos + 1 0000197 end do 0000198 itmax = iter(iter_pos) 0000199 c new statements 0000200 if (jjprint .ne. 0) write(33,2121) wavelen 0000201 2121 format('matscn wavelength', 1pe12.4) 0000202 call iniclz1 0000203 call emmat(imu,imuz,iazmth,thnot,thta,azmth) 0000204 c end of new statements 0000205 call relayr(xprf(2),xprf(1),tmpprf(2),tmpprf(1),x, 0000206 1 tmp101,pnot,xpnot,hhold,pshold) 0000207 call opthik(x,p,t,tl,cofx,tmp0,tmpcf,tmp101) 0000208 call dtaus(cofx,nc,xpnot,ncp1) 0000209 c change the order of the subroutines, placing the call to slant after 0000210 c dtaus instead of after reflex. !def 0000211 lmax=82 0000212 layer=6 0000213 call slant(h,ps,cofx,fracin,lmax,layer,pshold,hhold) 0000214 if(lsphout)then !def 0000215 call exponesph(h,ps,cofx,lmax,nc,ncp1,imu) !def 0000216 else !def 0000217 do j=1,imu !def 0000218 refdir(j)=0.0d0 !def 0000219 if(emu(j).ne.0.d0) refdir(j)=dexp(-tautot/emu(j)) !def 0000220 enddo !def 0000221 call expone(nc,ncp1,imu) !def 0000222 endif !def 0000223 c --compute effective alpha 0000224 call reflex(itmax,nek,ncp1) 0000225 js = 0 0000226 do 2000 ijk=1,nthet 0000227 js = js + 1 0000228 if (jprint(9).eq.1) write (6,6300) theta(ijk) 0000229 psza(js) = theta(ijk) 0000230 thenot=theta(ijk) 0000231 cos_theta = cosd(theta(ijk)) 0000232 cos_sin_theta = cos_theta*sind(theta(ijk)) 0000233 if(ipath.eq.1) then 0000234 thenot=dsqrt(1.d0-(1.d0/theta(ijk))**2)/cons 0000235 thenot=dasin(thenot)/cnvrt 0000236 endif 0000237 if (ipsudo.eq.1) then 0000238 call firstz(h,ps,z,thenot,fracin,lmax,ncp1) 0000239 else 0000240 call frstz2(z,thenot,fs,f1,f2,ncp1) 0000241 endif 0000242 call itrate(z,ncp1,itmax,ijk) 0000243 C 0000244 C Storing output parameters 0000245 C 0000246 do j = 1, imu 0000247 0000248 i0_out(j, ijk, num) = eizero(j) 0000249 sin_view = sind(scan(j)) 0000250 cos_view = cosd(scan(j)) 0000251 Z1_out(j, ijk, num) = Z1func(j) !def 0000252 Z2_out(j, ijk, num) = Z2func(j) !def 0000253 t_out(j, ijk, num) = (fs+gg)*(tnstr(j)+refdir(j)) !def 0000254 if (write_iter_file) 0000255 * write (iter_lun) wavelen, theta(ijk), scan(j), 0000256 * i0_out(j, ijk, num)/pi, Z1_out(j, ijk, num)/pi, 0000257 * Z2_out(j, ijk, num)/pi, t_out(j, ijk, num)/pi, 0000258 * sb(4), itmax + 2, 0000259 * (tnstrz(iter_num, j), iter_num = 1, itmax+2), 0000260 * (e0za(iter_num, j), iter_num = 1, itmax+2), 0000261 * (ggz(iter_num), iter_num = 1, itmax+2), 0000262 * (sbz(iter_num), iter_num = 1, itmax+2), 0000263 * fs, gg, exp(-tautot), iazmth, nalb, 0000264 * (eitl(j, iaz), iaz = 1, iazmth), 0000265 * (eitr(j, iaz), iaz = 1, iazmth), 0000266 * (eitu(j, iaz), iaz = 1, iazmth), 0000267 * ttl(j), ttr(j) 0000268 end do 0000269 if (jprint(8).eq.1) call tbprnt(thenot) 0000270 2000 continue 0000271 sb_out(num) = sb(4) 0000272 end do 0000273 C 0000274 C Issue a warning message if there was an attempt to do too many wavelengths 0000275 C 0000276 if (num .eq. max_wave) then 0000277 print*,'Too many wavelenghts were being requested.' 0000278 print*,'Maximun number of wavelengths is current set to ', 0000279 * max_wave 0000280 end if 0000281 c 0000282 c 0000283 c 0000284 nwavl = num 0000285 if (num_arg .lt. 2) then 0000286 file_name = 'tomnval.dat' 0000287 else 0000288 call getarg(2, file_name) 0000289 end if 0000290 if (jprint(10).eq.1) then 0000291 open(unit=40, file=file_name ,form='unformatted', 0000292 * status='unknown') 0000293 write (40) nscan, nthet, nwavl 0000294 write (40) (wavel(i), i = 1, nwavl) 0000295 write (40) (((i0_out(i, j, k), k=1,nwavl), j = 1, nthet), 0000296 * i=1, nscan) 0000297 write (40) (((Z1_out(i, j, k), k=1,nwavl), j = 1, nthet), 0000298 * i=1, nscan) 0000299 write (40) (((Z2_out(i, j, k), k=1,nwavl), j = 1, nthet), 0000300 * i=1, nscan) 0000301 write (40) (((t_out(i, j, k), k=1,nwavl), j = 1, nthet), 0000302 * i=1, nscan) 0000303 write (40) (sb_out(j), j = 1, nwavl) 0000304 endif 0000305 C 0000306 C Output stuff here 0000307 C 0000308 c 0000309 901 format(f4.1,1x,f5.1,1x,10(f7.2,1x)) 0000310 if (write_iter_file) close(iter_lun) 0000311 close (40) 0000312 close (23) 0000313 close (33) 0000314 c close (34) 0000315 6200 format(' now doing calc for wavelength ',f7.2) 0000316 6300 format(' now doing calc for sza ',f7.2) 0000317 6400 format(' ***** ',a8,' *****') 0000318 6450 format(//,' ***** input *****') 0000319 6475 format(//,' pres....',f4.2) 0000320 6490 format(' nthet...',i4) 0000321 6492 format(' nscan...',i4) 0000322 6493 format(' nazim...',i4) 0000323 6494 format(' nalb....',i4) 0000324 6496 format(' wavelength range...',f8.2,' to ',f8.2) 0000325 6497 format(' evalit',' evalrf',' expone',' itrate',' opthik', 0000326 1 ' relayr',' slant',' tbprnt') 0000327 6498 format(i5,7i7) 0000328 6500 format(/,' sbuv layr',t10,11i7) 0000329 6550 format(//,'dndw tables for layer',i3,/) 0000330 6600 format(' ozone amt',t12,11f7.2) 0000331 6700 format(' layer tmp',t12,11f7.2) 0000332 6725 format(/,' sza #',t10,10i7) 0000333 6750 format(' sza',t12,10f7.2) 0000334 6751 format(' scan angles',t12,15f7.2) 0000335 6752 format(' azm angles',t12,8f7.2) 0000336 6753 format(' albedos ',t12,8f7.2) 0000337 6775 format(/,' wavl #',t13,i7,11i12) 0000338 7000 format(' wavelen',t11,12f12.3) 0000339 7100 format(/,' alpha0',t12,12d12.5) 0000340 7200 format(' beta',t12,12d12.5) 0000341 7300 format(' tmpcof(1)',t12,12d12.5) 0000342 7400 format(' tmpcof(2)',t12,12d12.5) 0000343 7425 format(' niter',t12,i7,11i12) 0000344 7450 format(//,' ***** output *****') 0000345 7700 format(f7.3,t12,12d12.5) 0000346 7850 format(' sza') 0000347 7800 format(//,'n values for alb of ',f6.2) 0000348 7801 format(' scn of ',f6.2,' azm of ',f6.2, 0000349 1//,' wvl',t11,12f12.3) 0000350 7900 format(//,'dndw values for alb of ',f6.2) 0000351 7901 format(' scn of ',f6.2,' azm of ',f6.2, 0000352 1//,' wvl',t11,12f12.3) 0000353 7902 format(//,' ***** Output for wavelength ',f7.2,' *****',//) 0000354 end INCLUDE FILES FileNo File name 1 cwrite_iter.inc 2 emm.inc 3 kmat.inc 4 log.inc 5 consts.inc 6 thkns.inc 7 atmos.inc 8 input.inc 9 inchr.inc 10 in.inc 11 contrl.inc 12 out.inc 13 totals.inc 14 prints.inc 15 buff1.inc 16 buff2.inc 17 buff3.inc 18 buff4.inc 19 csphout.inc 20 cgcorrect.inc 21 crefdir.inc 22 czfunc.inc 23 depolt.inc ENTRY POINTS Name Type BlockNo MAIN_ 4 matscn 3 FUNCTION AND SUBROUTINE REFERENCES Name Type ProcType References MAIN_ 1D __set_f77vms_flag SUBR EXTERNAL 354 cosd INTRINSIC 231 250 ctol SUBR EXTERNAL 177 dasin INTRINSIC 235 dexp INTRINSIC 219 dsqrt INTRINSIC 234 dtaus SUBR EXTERNAL 208 emmat SUBR EXTERNAL 203 exp INTRINSIC 254 expone SUBR EXTERNAL 221 exponesph SUBR EXTERNAL 215 firstz SUBR EXTERNAL 238 frstz2 SUBR EXTERNAL 240 get_coef L*4 EXTERNAL 57D 186 272 get_lun SUBR EXTERNAL 126 getarg SUBR EXTERNAL 107 114 120 127 288 iargc I*4 EXTERNAL 103 index INTRINSIC 148 iniclz SUBR EXTERNAL 100 iniclz1 SUBR EXTERNAL 202 itrate SUBR EXTERNAL 242 matscn 1D opthik SUBR EXTERNAL 207 readin SUBR EXTERNAL 101 reflex SUBR EXTERNAL 224 relayr SUBR EXTERNAL 205 sind INTRINSIC 232 249 slant SUBR EXTERNAL 213 tbprnt SUBR EXTERNAL 269 COMMON BLOCKS Name Size BlockNo atmos_ 48 18 buff1_ 1392 34 buff2_ 18432 36 buff3_ 3000 38 buff4_ 43320 40 cgcorrect_ 4 44 consts_ 112 14 contrl_ 2808 26 crefdir_ 120 46 csphout_ 4 42 cwrite_iter_ 4 6 czfunc_ 240 48 depolt_ 68 50 emm_ 1176 8 in_ 196 24 inchr_ 35 22 input_ 556 20 kmat_ 1632160 10 log_ 48 12 out_ 3256 28 prints_ 40 32 thkns_ 7392 16 totals_ 11968 30 PARAMETERS Name Type References max_num_iter I*4 8-2D 8-3 8-4 max_scan I*4 31D 32D 38 39 40 41 134 136 max_sza I*4 31D 32D 38 39 40 41 140 142 max_wave I*4 31D 32D 37 38 39 40 41 42 186 276 278 VARIABLES REFERENCES Name Type Dimension Class Storage BlockNo Offset References admatx R*8 (3,15) VAR COMMON 8 360 2-2D 2-4D alb R*8 (11) VAR COMMON 26 200 11-3D 11-5D 175 alfaef R*8 VAR COMMON 26 2792 11-5D alpha0 R*8 VAR COMMON 18 0 7-2D 7-3D 186A 188(2)= 272A alphp R*8 (12) VAR 51D Variable declared and not used azmth R*8 (8) VAR COMMON 26 136 11-3D 11-5D 174 203A beta R*8 VAR COMMON 18 8 7-2D 7-3D 186A 272A betp R*8 (12) VAR 51D Variable declared and not used c1415 R*8 VAR COMMON 14 72 5-2D 5-4D c215 R*8 VAR COMMON 14 48 5-2D 5-4D c2815 R*8 VAR COMMON 14 80 5-2D 5-4D c38sq2 R*8 VAR COMMON 14 64 5-2D 5-4D c815 R*8 VAR COMMON 14 56 5-2D 5-4D caz R*8 (8) VAR COMMON 8 784 2-2D 2-4D caz2 R*8 (8) VAR COMMON 8 912 2-2D 2-4D cnvrt R*8 VAR COMMON 14 8 5-2D 5-4D 235 code R*8 VAR COMMON 18 16 7-3D cofx R*8 (4,487) VAR AUTO 4 39184 49D 207A 208A 213A 215A cons R*8 VAR COMMON 14 32 5-2D 5-4D 234 cos_sin_theta R*8 VAR AUTO 4 47120 232= cos_theta R*8 VAR AUTO 4 47112 231= 232 cos_view R*8 VAR AUTO 4 1248784 250= delp R*8 VAR COMMON 50 40 23-3D 23-4D delx R*8 (10) VAR COMMON 24 0 10-2D 10-4D dtsp R*8 (202) VAR COMMON 16 4160 6-2D 6-3D dtts R*8 (202) VAR COMMON 16 5776 6-2D 6-3D e0za R*8 (9,15) VAR COMMON 36 0 16-2D 16-3D 254 e1za R*8 (9,15,8) VAR COMMON 36 1080 16-2D 16-3D e2za R*8 (9,15,8) VAR COMMON 36 9720 16-2D 16-3D eiaz1 R*8 (15,8) VAR COMMON 28 360 12-2D 12-3D eiaz2 R*8 (15,8) VAR COMMON 28 1320 12-2D 12-3D eitl R*8 (15,8) VAR COMMON 38 0 17-2D 17-3D 254 eitotz R*8 (15,8,11) VAR COMMON 40 21120 18-2D 18-3D eitr R*8 (15,8) VAR COMMON 38 960 17-2D 17-3D 254 eittl R*8 (15,8,11) VAR COMMON 40 0 18-2D 18-3D eittr R*8 (15,8,11) VAR COMMON 40 10560 18-2D 18-3D eitu R*8 (15,8) VAR COMMON 38 1920 17-2D 17-3D 254 eizero R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 28 240 12-2D 12-3D 248 ematx R*8 (3,15) VAR COMMON 8 0 2-2D 2-4D emu R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 8 976 2-2D 2-4D 219(2) emuz R*8 (10) VAR COMMON 8 1096 2-2D 2-4D end_wave R*8 VAR COMMON 20 536 8-6D 8-7D 165 186A 272A f1 R*8 VAR AUTO 4 48752 240A f2 R*8 VAR AUTO 4 48760 240A file_name CH*200 VAR AUTO 4 216 53D 105= 107A 109 112= 114A 116 118= 120A 122 127A 128 286= 288A 291 fracin R*8 VAR AUTO 4 47000 213A 238A fs R*8 VAR COMMON 28 2288 12-2D 12-3D 240A 253 254 gama R*8 VAR COMMON 50 8 23-3D 23-4D gg R*8 VAR COMMON 28 2280 12-2D 12-3D 253 254 ggz R*8 (9) VAR COMMON 36 18360 16-2D 16-3D 254 h R*8 (487) VAR AUTO 4 43096 49D 213A 215A 238A hhold R*8 (101) VAR COMMON 26 1904 11-3D 11-5D 205A 213A i I*4 VAR AUTO 4 4868848 294(2) 295(3)= 297(3)= 299(3)= 301(3)= i0_out R*8 (6,10,2500) VAR AUTO 4 1248768 38D 248= 254 295 iaz I*4 VAR AUTO 4 4848836 254(9)= iazmth I*4 VAR COMMON 26 12 11-2D 11-5D 163 174(2) 203A 254(4) ijk I*4 VAR AUTO 4 47016 226= 228 229 230 231 232 234 242A 248 251 252 253 254(5) 270= imu I*4 VAR COMMON 26 4 11-2D 11-5D 134 136 203A 215A 217 221A 246 imuz I*4 VAR COMMON 26 8 11-2D 11-5D 203A ipath I*4 VAR COMMON 24 192 10-3D 10-4D 180= 233 ipol I*4 VAR COMMON 50 64 23-2D 23-4D ipsudo I*4 VAR COMMON 24 188 10-3D 10-4D 181= 237 iter I*4 (12) VAR COMMON 20 280 8-3D 8-7D 198 iter_lun I*4 VAR AUTO 4 304 126A 128 254 310 iter_num I*4 VAR AUTO 4 4848816 254(8) iter_pos I*4 VAR AUTO 4 336 183= 194(2) 196(2)= 197(2) 198 itmax I*4 VAR COMMON 24 184 10-3D 10-4D 198= 224A 242A 254(9) j I*4 VAR AUTO 4 324 167(2) 168(3)= 171(3)= 172(2) 173(2) 174(2) 175(2) 217= 218 219(3) 220= 246= 248(2) 249 250 251(2) 252(2) 253(3) 254(12) 268= 295(3)= 297(3)= 299(3)= 301(3)= 303(2) jjprint I*4 VAR AUTO 4 12 96= 146= 191 200 jprint I*4 (10) VAR COMMON 32 0 14-2D 14-3D 109 122 146(8) 157 167 193 228 269 290 js I*4 VAR AUTO 4 47012 225= 227(2)= 229 jw I*4 VAR AUTO 4 332 182= k I*4 VAR AUTO 4 4868852 295(3)= 297(3)= 299(3)= 301(3)= kskip R*8 VAR COMMON 14 104 5-2D 5-4D lambda I*4 VAR COMMON 26 2800 11-2D 11-5D 192= layer I*4 VAR COMMON 26 2804 11-2D 11-5D 212= 213A layr I*4 VAR 33D Variable declared and not used len I*4 VAR AUTO 4 316 148= lgcorrect L*4 VAR COMMON 44 0 20-2D 20-3D 93I lmax I*4 VAR AUTO 4 39196 211= 213A 215A 238A lsphout L*4 VAR COMMON 42 0 19-2D 19-3D 88I 214 lwav L*4 (12) VAR COMMON 12 0 4-2D 4-3D 177A nalb I*4 VAR COMMON 26 0 11-2D 11-5D 164 175(2) 254 nc I*4 VAR AUTO 4 39188 208A 215A 221A ncp1 I*4 VAR AUTO 4 39192 208A 215A 221A 224A 238A 240A 242A nek R*8 (202,5,202) VAR COMMON 10 0 3-2D 3-3D 224A nscan I*4 VAR COMMON 20 548 8-3 8-7D 162 173(2) 293 295 297 299 301 nthet I*4 VAR COMMON 20 544 8-3 8-7D 140 142 161 226 293 295 297 299 301 num I*4 VAR AUTO 4 340 185= 186 189(2)= 190 191 248 251 252 253 254(4) 271 272 276 284 num_arg I*4 VAR AUTO 4 16 103= 104 111 117 124 285 num_iter I*4 VAR COMMON 20 552 8-3 8-7D 194 197 numek R*8 VAR COMMON 14 96 5-2D 5-4D nwavl I*4 VAR AUTO 4 4868844 33D 284= 293 294(2) 295 297 299 301 303(2) p R*8 (101) VAR AUTO 4 21984 46D 207A pi R*8 VAR COMMON 14 0 5-2D 5-4D 254(4) pnot R*8 VAR COMMON 18 24 7-2D 7-3D 179= 205A polz R*8 (15,8,11) VAR COMMON 40 31680 18-2D 18-3D pres R*8 VAR COMMON 20 176 8-5D 8-7D 160 179 prfnam CH*8 VAR COMMON 22 0 9-2D 9-4D 148A 158 ps R*8 (487) VAR AUTO 4 46992 49D 213A 215A 238A pscaleforg R*8 VAR COMMON 14 88 5-2D 5-4D pshold R*8 (101) VAR COMMON 26 1096 11-3D 11-5D 205A 213A psza R*8 (10) VAR AUTO 4 47096 52D 229= q R*8 VAR COMMON 50 16 23-3D 23-4D q1 R*8 VAR COMMON 50 24 23-3D 23-4D q12s R*8 VAR COMMON 50 56 23-3D 23-4D q2 R*8 VAR COMMON 50 32 23-3D 23-4D qr R*8 (11) VAR COMMON 28 32 12-2D 12-3D r R*8 VAR COMMON 14 16 5-2D 5-4D refdir R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 46 0 21-2D 21-3D 218= 219= 253 rhon R*8 VAR COMMON 50 0 23-3D 23-4D 186A 272A rinv R*8 VAR COMMON 14 24 5-2D 5-4D ristar R*8 (15,11) VAR COMMON 30 0 13-2D 13-3D saz R*8 (8) VAR COMMON 8 720 2-2D 2-4D saz2 R*8 (8) VAR COMMON 8 848 2-2D 2-4D sb R*8 (4) VAR COMMON 28 0 12-2D 12-3D 254 271 sb_out R*8 (2500) VAR AUTO 4 4868840 42D 271= 303 sbt R*8 VAR 47D Variable declared and not used sbz R*8 (9) VAR COMMON 34 0 15-2D 15-3D 254 scan R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 20 408 8-5D 8-7D 173 249A 250A 254 sdp R*8 VAR COMMON 50 48 23-3D 23-4D sin_view R*8 VAR AUTO 4 1248776 249= sq2 R*8 VAR COMMON 14 40 5-2D 5-4D start_wave R*8 VAR COMMON 20 528 8-6D 8-7D 165 186A 272A t R*8 (101) VAR AUTO 4 22792 46D 207A t_out R*8 (6,10,2500) VAR AUTO 4 4848784 41D 253= 254 301 tautot R*8 VAR COMMON 18 32 7-2D 7-3D 219 254 tensig R*8 (11) VAR COMMON 30 1320 13-2D 13-3D tensit R*8 VAR 50D Variable declared and not used thenot R*8 VAR AUTO 4 47104 230= 234= 235(2)= 238A 240A 269A theta R*8 (10) VAR COMMON 20 328 8-5D 8-7D 172 228 229 230 231A 232A 234 254 thnot R*8 (10) VAR COMMON 26 2712 11-3D 11-5D 203A thta R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 26 16 11-3D 11-5D 203A tl R*8 (101) VAR AUTO 4 23600 46D 207A tmp0 R*8 VAR COMMON 24 176 10-2D 10-4D 178= 207A tmp10 R*8 (10) VAR COMMON 24 88 10-2D 10-4D tmp101 R*8 (101) VAR AUTO 4 21168 48D 205A 207A tmpcf R*8 (2) VAR AUTO 4 360 48D 186(2)A 207A 272(2)A tmpprf R*8 (11) VAR COMMON 20 88 8-5D 8-7D 170(2) 205(2)A tmptop R*8 VAR COMMON 24 168 10-2D 10-4D tnstr R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 28 120 12-2D 12-3D 253 tnstrl R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 34 1152 15-2D 15-3D tnstrr R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 34 1272 15-2D 15-3D tnstrz R*8 (9,15) VAR COMMON 34 72 15-2D 15-3D 254 total R*8 (15,8,11) VAR COMMON 30 1408 13-2D 13-3D totint R*8 (15,8) VAR COMMON 28 2296 12-2D 12-3D tr R*8 VAR 50D Variable declared and not used tsl R*8 (101) VAR COMMON 16 0 6-2D 6-3D tt R*8 (202) VAR COMMON 16 808 6-2D 6-3D ttl R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 16 4040 6-2D 6-3D 17-2D 17-3D 254 ttr R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 38 2880 17-2D 17-3D 254 tts R*8 (202) VAR COMMON 16 2424 6-2D 6-3D ttz R*8 (9,15) VAR COMMON 40 42240 18-2D 18-3D vms_compatible I*4 (2) VAR AUTO 4 4868876 354(3)= wave_iter R*8 (12) VAR COMMON 20 184 8-4D 8-7D 194 197 wavel R*8 (2500) VAR AUTO 4 20360 37D 190= 191 294 wavelen R*8 VAR COMMON 18 40 7-2D 7-3D 186A 190 192 193 194 197 200 254 272A wavnum CH*27 VAR COMMON 22 8 9-3D 9-4D write_iter_file L*4 VAR COMMON 6 0 1-2D 1-3D 124= 125 254 310 x R*8 (101) VAR COMMON 26 288 11-3D 11-5D 205A 207A xdel R*8 VAR AUTO 4 8 51D 95= xpnot R*8 VAR AUTO 4 21176 205A 208A xprf R*8 (11) VAR COMMON 20 0 8-5D 8-7D 169(2) 205(2)A xsav R*8 (11) VAR 51D Variable declared and not used xtop R*8 VAR COMMON 24 80 10-2D 10-4D z R*8 (202) VAR AUTO 4 48744 46D 238A 240A 242A z1_out R*8 (6,10,2500) VAR AUTO 4 2448784 39D 251= 254 297 z1func R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 48 0 22-2D 22-3D 251 z2_out R*8 (6,10,2500) VAR AUTO 4 3648784 40D 252= 254 299 z2func R*8 (15) VAR COMMON 48 120 22-2D 22-3D 252 LABELS LabNo LinNo LabNo LinNo LabNo LinNo LabNo LinNo LabNo LinNo LabNo LinNo LabNo LinNo LabNo LinNo 901 309 6400 317 6493 322 6500 328 6750 333 7000 338 7425 343 7850 346 2000 270 6450 318 6494 323 6550 329 6751 334 7100 339 7450 344 7900 350 2121 201 6475 319 6496 324 6600 330 6752 335 7200 340 7700 345 7901 351 6200 315 6490 320 6497 325 6700 331 6753 336 7300 341 7800 347 7902 353 6300 316 6492 321 6498 327 6725 332 6775 337 7400 342 7801 348 +--------------------------------------------+ | : Referenced but not modified | | = : Value modified | | A : Actual argument, possibly modified | | D : Declared/Defined | | I : Data Initialization | | (n) : Number of occurrences | | # : Unknown usage | +--------------------------------------------+