subroutine evalrf(zst1,zst2,ncp1) c c********************************************************************** c cccc c subroutine evalrf c c version aug 22,1977 c c purpose c c evalrf is a fortran iv routine which is used to perfform c the integration of eq(6.7) to find tnstr (istar/ig) c c method c c using a trapezoidal integration , evalrf computes tenstr which c represents the sum of all intensities upto and including the c intensity due to itmax+1 order scattering of surface reflected c radiation. c the remaining higher order terms are calulated by gepro. c c calling sequence c c call evalrf (zst1,zst2,tnstr,qr,sb) c c variable type i/o description c -------- ---- --- ----------- c c zst1(4,202) r*8 i last three iterations of c zstar matrix and extrapolated value c zst2(4,202) r** i similar to zst1 c tnstr(4,15) r*8 o integrated intensities from last c three iterations of z-star matrix c and extrapolated intensity. c contains results for each polar c look angle c qr(11) r*8 o factor used in computing ig c sb(4) r*8 o fraction of surface recflected c radiation reaching top of atmosphere c c external references c geopro c c common areas referenced c c c analysis and programming c k.f. klenk,p.m. smith sasc, aug 22 1977 c c modifications (date name purpose) c c last modified 11/19/92 by zia ahmad c modified for single iteration c last modified 9/22/93 .... zia ahmad c purpose: to add the effect of molecular anisotropy c c last modified 03/14/95...dave flittner c purpose: set pressure scale height used in gravity correction c to rayleigh scattering od. Create new variable pscaleforg and c pass in common block consts. cccc c*********************************************************************** c c implicit integer*4(i-n),real*8(a-h,o-z) real *8 tenstr(4,15),zst1(4,202),zst2(4,202) c include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" c -- common block in added on 11/19/92 include "" c common block depolt added on 9/22/93 include "" c data c316/0.1875d0/ c c write(23,500)rhon,gama,q,q1,q2,delp,sdp,q12s,ipol 500 format('rhon,gama,q,q1,q2,delp,sdp,q12s,ipol'/ 1 1p6e12.4/1p2e12.4,i5) c c compute gometrical progression of zstar layer by layer c do 160 i=1,ncp1 if (itmax.eq.1) then zst1(4,i) = zst1(1,i) zst2(4,i) = zst2(1,i) else call geopro(zst1(1,i)) call geopro(zst2(1,i)) endif 160 continue c it=4 c c find sb(it) sum2=0.d0 c sum2l=0.0d0 sum2r=0.0d0 do 110 i=1,ncp1 sum2=sum2+ek4(i)*zst1(it,i)+ek5(i)*zst2(it,i) 110 continue c c new statements added here if(ipol.eq.0)then sb(it)=0.375d0*sum2 else sb(it)=q12s*sum2 endif c if (jprint(10).eq.1) write(23,501)sb,ipol if (jprint(2) .eq. 1) write(33,501)sb,ipol 501 format(',ipol',1p4e12.4,i5) c find tnstr(it) c do 120 j=1,imu suma=0. sumb=0. c do 130 i=1,ncp1 suma=suma+zst1(it,i)*extmu(i,j) sumb=sumb+zst2(it,i)*extmu(i,j) 130 continue c c multiply by m-matrix see eq(6.7) c tenr=ematx(1,j)*suma+ematx(2,j)*sumb tenl=ematx(3,j)*suma c tensum=tenl+tenr c write(33,565)suma,sumb,ematx(1,j),ematx(2,j),ematx(3,j),emu(j), c 1 tenl,tenr,tensum 565 format('evalrf',9f8.5) c c compute istar/ig of eq (6.7) c c new statements added here if(ipol.eq.0)then tnstr(j)=c316*(tenr+tenl)/emu(j) else tnstr(j)=0.25d0*(q1/sdp)*(tenr+tenl)/emu(j) endif 120 continue c 100 continue c c do 145 j=1,nalb qr(j)=alb(j)/(1.-sb(4)*alb(j)) 145 continue c c c**** store data for archive tape c**** check if tables data set to be created c rarray(407)=sb(4) j=420 do 200 i=1,ncp1 k=j+1 rarray(j)=zst1(4,i) rarray(k)=zst2(4,i) j=j+2 200 continue c**** write data to tape c c write (34) rarray,psaray,iarray c c**** check if tables data set to be created c c**** load r*4 output buffer for later fwrite c out48(1)=float(lambda) c out48(2)=alfaef c out48(3)=beta c out48(4)=code c out48(5)=pnot c out48(6)=sb(4) c j=7 c do 275 iload=1,15 c out48(j)=tnstr(iload) c j=j+1 c 275 continue c out48(22)=float(imuz) c out48(23)=float(imu) c j=24 c do 260 i=1,15 c out48(j)=thta(i) c j=j+1 c 260 continue c write(35) out48 c c*****optional print out of z-star array c if (jprint(2) .eq. 1) then write(33,1000) write(33,2000) (k,(zst1(j,k),j=1,4),(zst2(j,k), j=1,4), 1 k=1,ncp1) write(33,2500) write(33,3000) (k,thta(k),tnstr(k),k=1,imu) write(33,3500) sb(it) endif c return 1000 format(1h1,t50,'debug printout for evalrf',///,25x, 1 'zst1(i=1,4)',47x,'zst2(i=1,4)') 2000 format(2x,i3,4e13.5,5x,4e13.5) 2500 format(///,2x,'imu',20x,'tnstr(j)') 3000 format(5x,'theta.',5x,'tnstr(k)',//,(1x,i2,3x,f6.2,2x,d12.6)) 3500 format(///,' sb=',e15.5) end