subroutine evalit(zma1,zma2,zma3,zma4,ej1,ej2,jmuz,ncp1) c*********************************************************************** c c subroutine evalit c c purpose c evalit is used to perform the integration of the reduced c source functions over the total optical thickness to each c level in the model atmosphere. c evalit is also used to transfer solar angle dependent data c to the archive and tables tapes. c c method c the iterated reduced source functions as calculated by itrate c are integrated over the total cumulative optical thickness.the c resultant integrated quantities (ztop,ztp1,ztp2,gg) are extrapol c extrapolated using a geometric progression. finally certain c matrix multiplications are carried out to transform the c integrated quantities into intensity terms. c c calling sequence c call evalit(zma1,zma2,zma3,zma4,ej1,ej2,jmuz,ncp1) c c variable type i/o description c -------- ---- --- ----------- c c zma1(4,202) r*8 i first element of z matrix c for each source function c level for final three iters. c fourth row of this matrix is c reserved for extrapolated values. c zma2,3,4 r*8 i/o second,third,fourth elements c of z matrix. c ej1(4,202) r*8 o source functions for cos(phi) c dependent terms for last three c iterations of itrate. c ej2(4,202) r*8 i/o source functions for cos(2*phi) c dependent terms. c jmuz i*4 i current index counter for zenith c angle. c ncp1 i*4 i number of levels in model atmos. c common /out/ contains intensity terms computed by c evalrf,evalit and intsum routines. c c common /out/ c c variables type i/o description c --------- ---- --- ----------- c c sb(4) r*8 i fractional atmos. back scatter c is extrapolated value. c tnstr(15) r*8 i extrapolated values of istar/ig for c each polar look angle. c qr(10) r*8 i combined reflectivity -sb term for c all albedo values. c eizero(15) r*8 o azimuth independent intensity at each c polar look angle. c eiaz1(15,8) r*8 o cos(phi) azimuth dependent term for c each polar look angle and scan plane c angle. c eiaz2(15,8) r*8 o cos(2*phi) dependent term for each c polar look angle and scan plane angle. c gg r*8 o integrated downward diffuse flux at c ground for current zenith angle. c fs r*8 i direct solar flux at ground for curren c current solar zenith angle. c totint(15,8) r*8 o total intensity at top of atmosphere c for each polar and azimuth angle. c c analysis and programming k. f. klenk, p. m. smith sasc aug. 77 c c modifications (date name purpose) c c last modified 11/18/92 by zia ahmad c modified for single iteration c c last modified 9/22/93 ... zia ahmad c purpose: to add the effect of molecular depolarization c c last modified 10/12/94... zia ahmad c purpose: modified to compute and print polarization of the c diffused radiation. c c last modified 03/08/95... dave flittner c purpose: store Z1func=I1/(-3/8*muo*sqrt(1-muo^2)*sqrt(1-mu^2)) and c Z2func=I2/(3/32*(1-muo^2)*(1-mu^2)/mu) so can be used as input into c interpolation tables. c c last modified 03/14/95...dave flittner c purpose: set pressure scale height used in gravity correction c to rayleigh scattering od. Create new variable pscaleforg and c pass in common block consts. c*********************************************************************** c implicit integer*4 (i-n), real*8(a-h,o-z) real*8 ztop(4,4),a(4),b(4),c(4),d(4),ztp1(4),ztp2(4),top(4), & dum(8),gr(4),gl(4), & zma1(4,202),zma2(4,202),zma3(4,202),zma4(4,202), & ej1(4,202),ej2(4,202),hold(4),xhold(4),eiold(15) real*8 eiaz1l(15,8),eiaz1r(15,8),eiaz1u(15,8), 1 eiaz2l(15,8),eiaz2r(15,8),eiaz2u(15,8),pol(15,8), 2 eizrol(15),eizror(15) c include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" include "" c new statement include "" c end of statement c dimension raray(906) equivalence (rarray(1),raray(1)) c data c316/0.1875d0/ c extrapolate source functions layer by layer c do 300 i=1,ncp1 if (itmax.eq.1) then zma1(4,i) = zma1(1,i) zma2(4,i) = zma2(1,i) zma3(4,i) = zma3(1,i) zma4(4,i) = zma4(1,i) ej1(4,i) = ej1(1,i) ej2(4,i) = ej2(1,i) else call geopro(zma1(1,i)) call geopro(zma2(1,i)) call geopro(zma3(1,i)) call geopro(zma4(1,i)) call geopro(ej1(1,i)) call geopro(ej2(1,i)) endif 300 continue c c*****put adjoint matrix for current solar zenith angle into b c b(1)=admatx(1,jmuz) b(2)=admatx(2,jmuz) b(3)=admatx(3,jmuz) b(4)=0.0d0 c if(jprint(1).eq.1) write(33,1000) do 105 im=1,imu it=4 gr(it)=0.0d0 gl(it)=0.0d0 ztp1(it)=0.0d0 ztp2(it)=0.0d0 do 107 jd=1,4 107 ztop(it,jd)=0.0d0 c c*****do integration over optical thickness c do 110 i=1,ncp1 tmu=extmu(i,im) ztop(it,1)=ztop(it,1)+zma1(it,i)*tmu ztop(it,2)=ztop(it,2)+zma2(it,i)*tmu ztop(it,3)=ztop(it,3)+zma3(it,i)*tmu ztop(it,4)=ztop(it,4)+zma4(it,i)*tmu ztp1(it)=ztp1(it)+ej1(it,i)*tmu ztp2(it)=ztp2(it)+ej2(it,i)*tmu gr(it)=gr(it)+ek4(i)*zma1(it,i)+ek5(i)*zma3(it,i) gl(it)=gl(it)+ek4(i)*zma2(it,i)+ek5(i)*zma4(it,i) 110 continue if(ipol.eq.0)then !def Z1func(im)=ztp1(4) !def Z2func(im)=ztp2(4) !def else !def Z1func(im)=q2*ztp1(4) !def Z2func(im)=q2*ztp2(4) !def endif !def 100 continue c c write(33,132)ipol, ztp1(it),ztp2(it) 132 format('debug evalit..ipol,ztp1,ztp2',i2,1x,1p2e12.4) c c*****calculate the azimuth -independent intensity eizero at current c*****value of the polar angle. see eqs(3.7) and (4.16) c c*****multiply matrix top(1-4) times the adjoint matrix admatx(=b). cal c*****call the product c c c c*****multiply c by ematx c a(1)=ematx(1,im) a(2)=ematx(2,im) a(3)=ematx(3,im) a(4)=0.0d0 c c c do 120 i=1,4 c c**** store extrapolated z-matrix in hold(4) c hold(i)=ztop(it,i) 120 continue call matmul(hold,b,c) call matmul(a,c,d) xhold(4)=d(1)+d(2)+d(3)+d(4) 130 continue c new statements added here if(ipol.eq.0) then eizero(im)=0.09375d0*xhold(4)/emu(im) eizrol(im)=0.09375d0*(d(1)+d(2))/emu(im) eizror(im)=0.09375d0*(d(3)+d(4))/emu(im) else eizero(im)=0.125d0*(q1/sdp)*xhold(4)/emu(im) eizrol(im)=0.125d0*(q1/sdp)*(d(1)+d(2))/emu(im) eizror(im)=0.125d0*(q1/sdp)*(d(3)+d(4))/emu(im) endif c c if(im.eq.1)then if (jprint(1) .eq. 1) write(33,514)im,emu(im), * d(1),d(2),d(3),d(4) 514 format('im,emu,d1,d2,d3,d4',i3,1x,5f8.4) if (jprint(1) .eq. 1) write(33,515)im,emu(im), * eizero(im),eizrol(im),eizror(im) 515 format(',emu,ei0,eil,eir',1x,i2,1x,4f8.5) c endif c c*****now calculate azimuth dependent intensities eiaz1 and eiaz2 at all c*****azimuth angles (1 to iazmth) for current value of polar angle. c***** see eqs.(3.7) and (4.8) c if(ipol.eq.0)then as=ematx(1,im)-1.0d0 bs=admatx(1,jmuz)-1.0d0 else as=emu(im)*emu(im)-1.0d0 bs=emuz(jmuz)*emuz(jmuz)-1.0d0 endif c cs=emu(im)*emu(im) atb=as*bs absq=dsqrt(atb)*emuz(jmuz) atmu=as*emuz(jmuz) c c write(33,134) ipol,im,jmuz,as,bs,atb,absq,atmu 134 format('ipol,as,bs,atb,absq,atmu'/3i2,1x,1p5e12.4) c do 225 jaz=1,iazmth c new statements added here if(ipol.eq.0)then eiaz1(im,jaz)=-0.375d0*absq*caz(jaz)*ztp1(4) eiaz2(im,jaz)=0.09375d0*(atb*caz2(jaz))*ztp2(4)/emu(im) c new code for polarization eiaz1l(im,jaz)=eiaz1(im,jaz) eiaz1r(im,jaz)=0.0d0 eiaz1u(im,jaz)=0.375d0*absq*dsqrt(1.0d0-caz(jaz)**2)* 1 ztp1(4)/emu(im) eiaz2l(im,jaz)=0.09375d0*cs*bs*caz2(jaz)*ztp2(4)/emu(im) eiaz2r(im,jaz)=-0.09375d0*bs*caz2(jaz)*ztp2(4)/emu(im) eiaz2u(im,jaz)=-0.09375d0*bs* 1 dsqrt(1.0d0-caz2(jaz)**2)*ztp2(4) else eiaz1(im,jaz)=-0.375d0*q2*absq*caz(jaz)*ztp1(4) eiaz2(im,jaz)=0.09375d0*q2*(atb*caz2(jaz))*ztp2(4)/emu(im) c new code for polarization eiaz1l(im,jaz)=eiaz1(im,jaz) eiaz1r(im,jaz)=0.0d0 eiaz1u(im,jaz)=0.375d0*q2*absq*dsqrt(1.0d0-caz(jaz)**2)* 1 ztp1(4)/emu(im) eiaz2l(im,jaz)=0.09375d0*q2*cs*bs*caz2(jaz)*ztp2(4)/emu(im) eiaz2r(im,jaz)=-0.09375d0*q2*bs*caz2(jaz)*ztp2(4)/emu(im) eiaz2u(im,jaz)=-0.09375d0*q2*bs* 1 dsqrt(1.0d0-caz2(jaz)**2)*ztp2(4) endif c c*****compute total intensity at top of atmosphere c totint(im,jaz)=eizero(im)+eiaz1(im,jaz)+eiaz2(im,jaz) c c compute degree of polarization eitl(im,jaz)=eizrol(im)+eiaz1l(im,jaz)+eiaz2l(im,jaz) eitr(im,jaz)=eizror(im)+eiaz1r(im,jaz)+eiaz2r(im,jaz) eitu(im,jaz)=eiaz1u(im,jaz)+eiaz2u(im,jaz) pol(im,jaz)=dsqrt((eitl(im,jaz)-eitr(im,jaz))**2 1 +eitu(im,jaz)**2)/totint(im,jaz) c if (jprint(1) .eq. 1) write(33,133)im,jaz,eizero(im), * eiaz1(im,jaz),eiaz2(im,jaz),totint(im,jaz),pol(im,jaz) 133 format(',jaz,ei0,ei1,ei2,totint,pol'/ 1 2i4,1p5e11.3) if (jprint(1) .eq. 1) write(33,136)eitl(im,jaz),eitr(im,jaz), * eitu(im,jaz) 136 format(8x,1p3e11.3) 225 continue if(jprint(1).eq.1) write(33,1100)im,thta(im), 1 (ztop(4,j),j=1,4),ztp1(4),ztp2(4) 105 continue if(jprint(1).eq.1) write(33,2000) gl(4),gr(4) c c*****compute the downward diffuse intensity gg c if(ipol .eq. 0)then c gg=c316*(gr(4)*(admatx(1,jmuz)+1.0d0)+gl(4)*admatx(3,jmuz)) f1=c316*(admatx(1,jmuz)+1.0d0) f2=c316*admatx(3,jmuz) gg=f1*gr(4)+f2*gl(4) else f1=0.25d0*q1*(admatx(1,jmuz)+1.0d0+q) f2=0.25d0*q1*admatx(3,jmuz) gg=(f1*gr(4)+f2*gl(4))/sdp endif c c for debugging c write(33,212)gl(4),gr(4),f1,f2,gg,q 212 format('gl,gr,f1,f2,gg,q',6f8.4) c write(33,213)(admatx(iz,jmuz),iz=1,3) 213 format(1x,'admatx 1-3',3f8.4) c c**** store data for archive tape raray(1)=fs raray(2)=gg k1=3 do 400 i=1,ncp1 k5=810+i k6=1012+i raray(k1)=zma1(4,i) raray(k1+1)=zma2(4,i) raray(k1+2)=zma3(4,i) raray(k1+3)=zma4(4,i) raray(k5)=ej1(4,i) raray(k6)=ej2(4,i) k1=k1+4 400 continue C write (34) raray,iarray c out48(1)=thnot(jmuz) c j=2 c do 420 i=1,15 c out48(j)=eizero(i) c out48(j+15)=eiaz1(i,1) c out48(j+30)=eiaz2(i,1) c j=j+1 c 420 continue c out48(47)=fs c out48(48)=gg c write(35)out48 500 continue c**** call intsum to compute total intensity call intsum if (jprint(10).eq.1) call sumry(jmuz) return 1000 format(1h1,t5,'debug print out from evalit',10x, 1 'source functions(extrapolated) integrated over', 2 1x,'optical thickness',///, 2 1x,'imu',2x,'theta',5x,'ztop1',9x,'ztop2',9x,'ztop3',9x, 3 'ztop4',9x,' ztp1',9x,' ztp2',//) 1100 format(1x,i3,2x,f5.2,2x,d12.6,2x,d12.6,2x,d12.6,2x,d12.6, 1 2x,d12.6,2x,d12.6) 2000 format(///,1x,'gl= ',d12.6,/,1x,'gr= ',d12.6) end