subroutine comrho(wavlen,rhon) c c subroutine comrho determins the 'rhon' (molecular depoarization factor) value for c for the given wavelength 'wavlen'. A table of rhons and wavelengths computed from c King's correction factor (see Bates...Planet. Space Sci. vol 32, 785-790, 1984) c are used for this purpose. A linear interpolation method is used for determining c rhon c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) real*8 rnb(24) integer*4 la(24) c data rnb/0.0454,0.0438,0.0422,0.0411,0.0400,0.0389,0.0378,0.0367, 1 0.0356,0.0345,0.0339,0.0328,0.0323,0.0317,0.0317,0.0312, 2 0.0306,0.0306,0.0301,0.0301,0.0301,0.0295,0.0295,0.0295/ c data la /2000,2050,2100,2150,2200,2250,2300,2400,2500,2600,2700, 1 2800,2900,3000,3100,3200,3300,3400,3500,3600,3700,3800, 2 3900,4000/ c c c write(33,222) wavlen 222 format('comrho wavelength',1pe12.4) lam=int(wavlen+0.5) do i=1,24 if(lam .gt. la(i) .and. lam .le. la(i+1)) then grad=(rnb(i+1)-rnb(i))/float(la(i+1)-la(i)) rhon=rnb(i)+grad*(wavlen-float(la(i))) endif enddo c c write(33,100) wavlen,rhon 100 format('wavelength rhon', 1p2e12.4) c return end