; c_month = ' ' ; print, ' Enter the TWO-DIGIT month to plot' read, c_month ; set_plot,'ps' ;;;device,filename='c:\sep_1987.ps',/landscape,/palatino,/inches, $ ;;; xsize=7.0, ysize=10.0, xoffset=0.5, yoffset=0.5 device,filename='c:\isccp\ssig_'+c_month+'.ps',/landscape,/palatino !p.font=0 ;;; /inches, ysize=10.0, yoffset=0.5 ;;;window, 0, xsize=900, ysize=500 openr,3,'c:\isccp\s_sig_'+c_month+'.isc' isccp = fltarr(864,432) lat_idx = 0 lon_idx = 0 cloud = 0.0 rlat=0.0 rlon=0.0 lon_ii = 0 lat_jj = 0 while not eof(3) do begin readf, 3, rlat, rlon, cloud, format='(1x, f6.2, 1x, f7.2, 1x, f9.3)' lat_idx = 6 * (round((91.25 + rlat) / 2.5) - 1) lon_idx = 6 * (round((181.25 + rlon) / 2.5) - 1) for ii = 0, 5 do begin lon_ii = lon_idx + ii for jj = 0, 5 do begin lat_jj = lat_idx + jj isccp(lon_ii,lat_jj) = -1000.0 if cloud gt 0.0 then isccp(lon_ii,lat_jj) = cloud endfor endfor endwhile ; close,3 isccp(0,0) = -32.0 isccp(863,431) = 223.0 isccp_im = bytscl(isccp) ;;;tv, isccp_im, 18, 34 ;;;TV, ISCCP_IM ; title_month = ' ' print,' Enter the month to use for the title' read, title_month ; map_set,0.0,0.0,0.0,/cylindrical,limit=[-88.75,-180.0,88.75,180.0], $ /noerase, /noborder, xmargin=[-68.0,-68.0], ymargin=[0.0,0.0], $ title=title_month+' 1984-1990 Spatial Sigma Pressure Heights' NEWIM = MAP_IMAGE(ISCCP_IM, 18, 34, /WHOLE_MAP, $ LATMIN=-88.75,LATMAX=88.75,LONMIN=-180.0,LONMAX=180.0) ; C_BAR = BYTARR(256) C_BAR = BYTSCL(INDGEN(256)) START_BAR = 484 / 4 FOR II = 0, 255 DO BEGIN FOR JJ = 0, 5 DO BEGIN NEWIM(II+START_BAR,JJ) = C_BAR(II) ENDFOR ENDFOR FOR JJ = 0, 5 DO NEWIM(START_BAR+256,JJ) = 0 ; TV, NEWIM, 18, 34 map_grid, color=255, latdel=10.0, londel=10.0 map_continents, color=255 ; !p.font=0 xyouts, (!D.X_SIZE*0.25), (!D.Y_SIZE/40.0), '-32', /device, color=255 xyouts, (!D.X_SIZE*0.3125), (!D.Y_SIZE/40.0), '0', /device, color=255 xyouts, (!D.X_SIZE*0.375), (!D.Y_SIZE/40.0), '32', /device, color=255 xyouts, (!D.X_SIZE*0.4375), (!D.Y_SIZE/40.0), '64', /device, color=255 xyouts, (!D.X_SIZE*0.50), (!D.Y_SIZE/40.0), '96', /device, color=255 xyouts, (!D.X_SIZE*0.5625), (!D.Y_SIZE/40.0), '128', /device, color=255 xyouts, (!D.X_SIZE*0.625), (!D.Y_SIZE/40.0), '160', /device, color=255 xyouts, (!D.X_SIZE*0.6875), (!D.Y_SIZE/40.0), '192', /device, color=255 xyouts, (!D.X_SIZE*0.75), (!D.Y_SIZE/40.0), '224', /device, color=255 device, /close_file stop end