;History ;2013/12/09 add MFRSR Error bars ;2013/12/13 add filters and AERONET diagnstics: sphericity, water, sky error, sun_error ;2013/12/09 add filters and AERONET diagnstics: sphericity, water, sky error, sun_error ;2013/07/08 color index (FSC_color, cgcolor) are changed to adjust to linux machine ;2013/07/02 To compare the averaged SSA (+/- 30 min) between MFRSR and AERONET sza_min=30 & sza_max=65 ;aot440_min = 0.40 aot440_min = 0.20 sphericity_min=95 ; minimal accepted sphericity [%] sky_error_max = 5.0 ; maximal sky error [%] delta_aot_max=0.05 chan='440' file = 'matchup_out527.dd'+chan+'nm_gsfc20131208_aotge0.25' ; DD:527 re-process 2007-2013 applying 2007 CUCF calibration for 2007-2009 and 2012 cal to 2010-2012 ;file = 'matchup_out527.t440nm_gsfc20131209_aotge0.25' ; T: 527 re-process 2007-2013 applying 2007 CUCF calibration for 2007-2009 and 2012 cal to 2010-2012 ;file = 'matchup_out527.dd440nm_gsfc2005-13.aer025_aotge0.25' ; 527 re-process 2005-2013 applying old CUCF calibration from 2006/2007 ;file = 'matchup_out527.dd440nm_gsfc2005-13.aer025_aotge0.39' ; 527 re-process 2005-2013 applying old CUCF calibration from 2006/2007 ;file = 'matchup_out527.dd440nm_gsfc2010-13.aer025noNO2_aotge0.39' ; 527 no NO2 absorption applying old CUCF calibration from 2006/2007 ;file = 'matchup_out527.dd440nm_gsfc2010-13.aer025.oldcal_aotge0.39' ; 527 applying old CUCF calibration from 2006/2007 ;file = 'matchup_out527.dd440nm_gsfc2010-13.aer025.oldcal_aotge0.25' ; 527 applying old CUCF calibration from 2006/2007 ;file = 'matchup_out582.dd440nm_gsfc2013.aer025_aotge0.39' ;582 ;file = 'matchup_out582.dd440nm_gsfc2013.aer025_aotge0.25' ;582 ;file = 'matchup_out579.dd440nm_gsfc2012.aer025_aotge0.25' ;579 ;file = './matchup_out579.dd440nm_gsfc2012.mfr025_aotge0.25' ;579 mode='print' & name_output='SSA440vsAOT440_plot_'+file+'trueError.ps' ;mode='screen' ;************ read matchup file ************** get_matchup_no2,file,yy,mm,dd,doy,UT,SZA, mAOT440,mn,mW440,mk440,aAOT440,aW440,ak440,an440,aAOT670,aW670,ak670,an670,Trans,NO2,water,sphericity,sky_error,sun_error,mk_error,mw_error ak_error = 0.005 ; AERONET K retrrieval error !!! need further estimations aw_error = 0.03 ; AERONET SSA retrieval error !!! need estimation ;jul_date = julday_original(mm,dd,yy,UT) ; Filter good retrievals idx = where(mW440 ge 0. $ and abs(aAOT440 - mAOT440) le delta_aot_max $ and aAOT440 ge aot440_min $ and SZA le sza_max $ and SZA ge sza_min $ and sphericity ge sphericity_min $ and sky_error le sky_error_max, $ count ) print,'Filters:' print,'sza_min=',sza_min,' sza_max=',sza_max print,'delta_aot_max=',delta_aot_max,' aot440_min=',aot440_min print,'sky_error <',sky_error_max,'%' print,'sphericity > ',sphericity_min,'%' ;jul_date=jul_date(idx) mW440 = mW440(idx) & mAOT440 = mAOT440(idx) ;MFRSR aW440 = aW440(idx) & aAOT440 = aAOT440(idx) ;AERONET ;******* MFRSR SSA440 PLOT vs. AOT440 ********* xx = mAOT440 ;AERONET yy = mW440 & yy_error = mw_error & yy_min = yy - yy_error & yy_max = yy + yy_error < 1.0 ;MFRSR yy1 = aW440 & yy1_error = aw_error & yy1_min = yy1 - yy1_error & yy1_max = yy1 + yy1_error < 1.0 ;MFRSR xlim=[0.2,1.5 ] & ylim=[0.80,1.02] ; Set plotting mode if mode eq 'screen' then begin ;set_plot,'X' & device,pseudo_color=8 device, decomposed=0 window, 1, xs=900, ys=900 loadct, 39 endif else begin set_plot,'PS' & device,/color,/landscape,filename=name_output endelse A = FINDGEN(17) * (!PI*2/16.) & USERSYM, COS(A), SIN(A), color=64, /fill plot_oi, xx, yy, psym=8, background=255, xmargin=[10,5],ymargin=[4,4], thick=1.2, charsize=1.2, charthick=1.5, $ xtitle='AOT at 440nm ', color=0, symsize=1.5, title=chan+' nm', ytitle='SSA ',xr=xlim,xstyle=1, yr=ylim,ystyle=1 ; PLOT error bars for i=0, n_elements(yy)-1 do plots,[xx[i],xx[i]],[yy_min[i],yy_max[i]],thick=0.01,color=64 ; MFRSR SSA error bars xyouts,0.3,1.01, 'Number of retrievals = '+string(count),charsize=2,color=0 !p.color=64 ; Oplot AERONET retrievals !p.charsize=1.5 b=findgen(3)*0.05 + 0.4 & oplot,b,b/b*0.89,psym=8,color=64,symsize=1.2 res=moment(yy) & xyouts,0.6,0.89,' MFRSR = '+string(res(0),format='(f7.3)');,charsize=2 A = FINDGEN(17) * (!PI*2/16.) & USERSYM, COS(A), SIN(A) oplot,xx,yy1,psym=8 b=findgen(3)*0.05 + 0.4 & oplot,b,b/b*0.87,psym=8,symsize=1.2 res=moment(yy1) & xyouts,0.6,0.87,'AERONET = '+string(res(0),format='(f7.3)');,charsize=2 close,/all if mode eq 'print' then device,/close ;return end