;Plot the matchup file mode = 'screen' start = julday(1,1,2005) final = julday(7,31,2012) monthofinterest='all months' a= findgen(16)*(!pi*2./16.) folder='C:\_paper_krotkov\0_2013_codes\' chan='440' ; file = folder+'matchup_out527.'+chan+'nm_gsfc20131208_water_aotge0.25' print, file get_matchup_no2, file ,year, doy, ut, SZA, mAOT440, mW440, k_mfrsr, aAOT440, aW440, k440, aot670, w670, k670, tt440, no2 ;;test ;for j=0, 10 do print, year(j), doy(j), mAOT440(j), mW440(j) ;mW440 vs. aW440 ;mAOT440 vs. aAOT440 jul_date = julday(1,0,year) + doy caldat, jul_date, mm, dd, yy !x.thick=3 !y.thick=4 A = FINDGEN(17) * (!PI*2/16.) device, decomposed=0 loadct, 39 window, 0, xsize=1200, ysize=900 ;dummy=label_date(date_format='%Y-%M') dummy=label_date(date_format='%Y') cgplot, jul_date, mW440, psym=8, background=255, xmargin=[9,9],ymargin=[6,6], thick=0.8, charsize=2.0, charthick=1.5, $ ytitle='Single Scattering Albedo ('+chan+' nm)', color=white, xtickformat='label_date', symsize=1.5, $ XTICKUNITS='Years', xtickinterval=1, xminor=12, ystyle=1, $ ; XTICKUNITS='Months', xtickinterval=2, xminor=2, ystyle=1+8, $ yrange=[0.85,1.01], xtitle='Years', xrange=[start,final], /nodata ; yrange=[0.52,1.01], title=chan+' nm (new cosine correction)', xrange=[start,final], /nodata ;USERSYM, COS(A), SIN(A), color=250,/fill USERSYM, COS(A), SIN(A), color=cgcolor('red'), /fill oplot, jul_date, mW440, psym=8, symsize=1.5;, Color='red' ;USERSYM, COS(A), SIN(A), color=80, /fill USERSYM, COS(A), SIN(A), color=cgcolor('blue'), /fill oplot, jul_date, aW440, psym=8, symsize=1.1;, Color='Blue' aot440_min = 0.3 delta_aot_max = 0.01 sza_max = 65. sza_min = 45. ; Filter good retrievals idx = where(mW440 ge 0. $ and abs(aAOT440 - mAOT440) le delta_aot_max $ and aAOT440 ge aot440_min $ and SZA le sza_max $ and SZA ge sza_min, $ count ) ;jul_date=jul_date(idx) mW440 = mW440(idx) & mAOT440 = mAOT440(idx) ;MFRSR aW440 = aW440(idx) & aAOT440 = aAOT440(idx) ;AERONET ;*******SSA PLOT (AERONET vs. MFRSR 579)********* xx = aW440 ;AERONET yy = mW440 ;MFRSR xlim=[0.85,1.02] & ylim=[0.85,1.02] result = POLY_FIT(xx, yy ,1,yfit=y_fit,status=status,CHISQ=chi) ;print, result r = correlate(xx, yy) & print, 'N=',count, ' R=',r, ' Slope=',result(1), ' Intercept=',result(0), ' sqrt( CHISQ)=',sqrt(chi) print,'moment(mW440):',moment(mW440) & print,'moment(aW440):',moment(aW440) xxx = [0,1.1] & yyy=[0,1.1] ; Set plotting mode if mode eq 'screen' then begin ;set_plot,'X' & device,pseudo_color=8 device, decomposed=0 window, 1, xs=900, ys=900 loadct, 39 endif else begin set_plot,'PS' & device,/color,/landscape,filename='scatter_plot_'+file+'.ps' endelse A = FINDGEN(17) * (!PI*2/16.) USERSYM, COS(A), SIN(A), color=64, /fill plot, xx, yy, psym=8, background=255, xmargin=[10,5],ymargin=[7,7], thick=0.8, charsize=1.1, charthick=1.5, $ xtitle='SSA (AERONET)', color=0, symsize=0.8, ytitle='SSA ('+chan+' nm)',xr=xlim,xstyle=1, yr=ylim,ystyle=1 oplot, xxx, yyy, psym=0, symsize=1.2, color=0, thick=1.2 oplot, xx, y_fit, psym=0, symsize=1.2, color=160, thick=1.2 XYOUTS, 0.15, 0.80, 'Number of data: '+strcompress(string(N_elements(xx)),/remove_all),color=0,charthick=1.5, charsize=1.5, /normal XYOUTS, 0.15, 0.75, 'Correlation coefficient: '+strcompress(string(r, Format='(F0.3)'),/remove_all),color=0,charthick=1.5, charsize=1.5, /normal XYOUTS, 0.15, 0.70, 'y=ax+b',color=0,charthick=1.5, charsize=1.5, /normal a = strcompress(string(result(1), Format='(F0.2)'),/remove_all) b = strcompress(string(result(0), Format='(F0.2)'),/remove_all) XYOUTS, 0.15, 0.65, 'a='+a+'x + '+b,color=0,charthick=1.5, charsize=1.5, /normal stop end