subroutine fminth(rfndx,z,z1,a1,re,nz,zmin,debug) c c c find the minimum tangent height for a ray given the inital altitude, c and local zenith angle of the ray and the end altitude of the ray c c input: c rfndx - array of refractive index as function of radial distance from c center of the earth c z - altitude above spherical earth c z1 - inital altitude distance c a1 - inital local zenith angle of the ray propagation direction [rad] c re - radius of earth c c output: c zmin c c steps: c 1. compute the optical constant of the motion (c=n(r1)*r1*sin(a1)) c 2. check to see if c is less than n(rsfc)*rsfc c 3. if does not strike the earth, create array of n(r)*r values c 4. using c interpolate r as function of n(r)*r to find r_tangent c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c implicit none c the rcs revision # character*20 rcsrev parameter (rcsrev='$Revision: 2.22 $') c c passed integer nz real*8 rfndx(nz),z(nz),z1,a1,re,zmin logical debug c local integer klo,khi,i real*8 repz1,fi,fip1,zi,zip1,zip2,nz1,Hrf,n0,c,csfc external rfintp real*8 rfintp c data debug/.FALSE./ c save debug c c get n(r1) repz1=re+z1 c c find the 2 pts that straddle z1 c call findex(z,nz,z1,klo,khi) c c calc the constant of the motion c if( nz1=0.0d0 else call rfscal(rfndx(klo),rfndx(khi),z(klo),z(khi),Hrf,n0) nz1=rfintp(Hrf,n0,z1) endif if(debug)write(6,*)'fminth. z ',z(klo),z1,z(khi),nz1,z(1) if(debug)write(6,*)'fminth. rfndx',rfndx(klo),rfndx(khi),rfndx(nz) c=(1.0d0+nz1)*repz1*sin(a1) c c check to see if it is less than the value for a tangent beam at the sfc c csfc=(1.0d0+rfndx(nz))*re if(debug)write(6,*)'fminth. c ',c,csfc if( zmin=0.0d0 else c c search for the minimum altitude starting from the top of atmo c khi=2 do while((*(re+z(khi))).and.( khi=khi+1 enddo klo=khi-1 call rfscal(rfndx(klo),rfndx(khi),z(klo),z(khi),Hrf,n0) c c solve for zero using Netwon method c fi=(re+z(klo))*(1.0d0+rfndx(klo)) fip1=(re+z(khi))*(1.0d0+rfndx(khi)) c zi=z(klo) zip1=z(khi) do i=1,3 if( zip2=zip1+(c-fip1)/((fip1-fi)/(zip1-zi)) else zip2=zip1 goto 10 endif if(i.eq.1)then if(abs(zip2-zip1).lt.abs(zip2-zi))then zi=zip1 fi=fip1 endif else zi=zip1 fi=fip1 endif zip1=zip2 fip1=(re+zip1)*(1.0d0+rfintp(Hrf,n0,zip1)) enddo 10 zmin=zip2 endif end c subroutine rfscal(f1,f2,z1,z2,Hrf,n0) c c compute the scale height and constant given the 2 pts and the altitude of the pts. c c input: c f1 - function at z1 c f2 - function at z2 c z1 - altitude z1 c z2 - altitude c c output: c Hrf - scale height c n0 - constant c c steps: c 1. assume that f(z)=n0*exp(z/hrf) c 2. solve for Hrf=(z2-z1)/log(f1/f2) if (f1 ne f2) c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none c c passed real*8 f1,f2,z1,z2,Hrf,n0 c local c if(( Hrf=(z2-z1)/log(f2/f1) n0=f1*exp(-z1/Hrf) else Hrf=0.0d0 n0=f1 endif return end c c real*8 function rfintp(Hrf,n0,z) c c compute f(z)=n0*exp(z/Hrf) c c input: c Hrf - scale height c n0 - constant c z - altitude c c output: c rfintp - f(z) c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'consts.cmn' c passed real*8 Hrf,n0,z c local real*8 expon c if( rfintp=n0 else c expon=z/Hrf if(z/ rfintp=0.0d0 else if(z/ c write(6,*)'rfintp. exponent overflow. Will set to e(300)' rfintp=n0*exp(300.0) else rfintp=n0*exp(expon) endif endif return end