c $Header: /usr/people/flittner/radtran/tomrad/pv2.2/src/RCS/crfndx.f,v 2.22 2000/08/30 16:38:09 flittner Exp $ subroutine crfndx(w) c c compute the refraction index given the pressure and temperature profilea c and the wavelength in um. c c Last mod. Nov. 11, 1998...def c purpose: change the def. of rfndx to n-1. c implicit none c the rcs revision # character*20 rcsrev parameter (rcsrev='$Revision: 2.22 $') c include 'atm_101.cmn' c c passed real*8 w c external real*8 refmod external refmod c local integer i real*8 p c c convert wavelength to um from A w=w*1.0e-04 do i=1,n_101 c convert p from atm to mb p=p_101(i)*1013.25 rfndx(i)=refmod(p,t_101(i),w)*1.0d-06 enddo cc for testing c do i=1,nz cc rfndx(i)=rfndx(1)*exp(7.*(alog(p(i))-alog(p(1)))/20000.) c rfndx(i)=rfndx(i)*1.0e-04 c enddo c convert wavelength to A from um w=w*1.0e+04 return end c c real*8 function refmod(p,t,w) c c calc the reflractive modulus (N=(n-1)*1.0e06 c given, press (mb), temp (Celsius), wavelength (um) c implicit none c the rcs revision # character*20 rcsrev parameter (rcsrev='$Revision: 2.22 $') c c passed real*8 p,t,w c local real*8 n,c2 c n=p/(t+273.16d0) c2=0.584d0/w/w+77.6d0 refmod=c2*n end