module view_modifier ! This module provides facilities to modify the view in an OpenGL window. ! The mouse buttons and keyboard arrow keys can be used to zoom, pan, ! rotate and change the scale. A menu or submenu can be used to select which ! buttons perform which function and to reset the view to the initial settings. ! This is limited to one window. ! William F. Mitchell ! ! Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division ! National Institute of Standards and Technology ! April, 1998 ! To use this module: ! ! 1) put a USE view_modifier statement in any program unit that calls a ! procedure in this module ! ! 2) set the initial operation assignments, view and scale below the ! "Initial configuration" comment below ! ! 3) call view_modifier_init after glutCreateWindow ! This is a function that returns integer(kind=glcint) menuid. The menuid ! is the ID returned by glutCreateMenu. You can either use the view_modifier ! menu as your menu by calling glutAttachMenu immediately after ! view_modifier_init, as in ! menuid = view_modifier_init() ! call glutAttachMenu(GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON) ! or by using the menuid to attach a submenu to your own menu, as in ! call glutAddSubMenu("View Modifier",menuid) ! ! 4) in any callback functions that update the display, put ! call reset_view ! as the first executable statement ! ! Note that view_modifier_init sets the callback functions for glutMouseFunc, ! glutMotionFunc and glutSpecialFunc, so don't call these yourself ! ! The menu allows you to select what operation is attached to the left and ! middle mouse buttons and arrow keys, reset to the initial view, and quit. ! The right mouse button should be used for the menu. use opengl_gl use opengl_glu use opengl_glut implicit none private public :: view_modifier_init, reset_view private :: ZOOM, PAN, ROTATE, SCALEX, SCALEY, SCALEZ, RESET, QUIT, & PI, & left_button_func, middle_button_func, arrow_key_func, & init_lookat, init_lookfrom, & init_xscale_factor, init_yscale_factor, init_zscale_factor, & angle, shift, xscale_factor, yscale_factor, zscale_factor, & moving_left, moving_middle, begin_left, begin_middle, & cart2sphere, sphere2cart, cart3D_plus_cart3D, cart3D_minus_cart3D, & reset_to_init, mouse, motion, arrows, & menu_handler, set_left_button, set_middle_button, set_arrow_keys integer(kind=glcint), parameter :: ZOOM = 1, PAN = 2, ROTATE = 3, SCALEX = 4, & SCALEY = 5, SCALEZ = 6 integer(kind=glcint), parameter :: RESET = 10, QUIT = 11 real(kind=gldouble), parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793_gldouble type, private :: cart2D ! 2D cartesian coordinates real(kind=gldouble) :: x, y end type cart2D type, private :: cart3D ! 3D cartesian coordinates real(kind=gldouble) :: x, y, z end type cart3D type, private :: sphere3D ! 3D spherical coordinates real(kind=gldouble) :: theta, phi, rho end type sphere3D type(cart2D), save :: angle type(cart3D), save :: shift real(kind=gldouble), save :: xscale_factor, yscale_factor, zscale_factor logical, save :: moving_left, moving_middle type(cart2D), save :: begin_left, begin_middle interface operator(+) module procedure cart3D_plus_cart3D end interface interface operator(-) module procedure cart3D_minus_cart3D end interface ! ------- Initial configuration ------- ! Set the initial operation performed by each button and the arrow keys. ! The operations are ZOOM, PAN, ROTATE, SCALEX, SCALEY, and SCALEZ integer, save :: left_button_func = ROTATE, & middle_button_func = ZOOM, & arrow_key_func = PAN ! Set the initial view as the point you are looking at, the point you are ! looking from, and the scale factors type(cart3D), parameter :: & init_lookat = cart3D(0.0_gldouble, 0.0_gldouble, 0.0_gldouble), & init_lookfrom = cart3D(10.0_gldouble, -20.0_gldouble, 5.0_gldouble) real(kind=gldouble), parameter :: & init_xscale_factor = 1.0_gldouble, & init_yscale_factor = 1.0_gldouble, & init_zscale_factor = 1.0_gldouble ! -------- end of Initial configuration ------ contains ! ------------- subroutine reset_to_init() ! ------------- ! This resets the view to the initial configuration type(sphere3D) :: slookfrom slookfrom = cart2sphere(init_lookfrom-init_lookat) angle%x = -180.0_gldouble*slookfrom%theta/PI - 90.0_gldouble angle%y = -180.0_gldouble*slookfrom%phi/PI shift%x = 0.0_gldouble shift%y = 0.0_gldouble shift%z = -slookfrom%rho xscale_factor = init_xscale_factor yscale_factor = init_yscale_factor zscale_factor = init_zscale_factor call glutPostRedisplay() return end subroutine reset_to_init ! ---------- subroutine reset_view() ! ---------- ! This routine resets the view to the current orientation and scale call glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) call glPopMatrix() call glPushMatrix() call glTranslated(shift%x, shift%y, shift%z) call glRotated(angle%x, 0.0_gldouble, 0.0_gldouble, 1.0_gldouble) call glRotated(angle%y, cos(PI*angle%x/180.0_gldouble), & -sin(PI*angle%x/180.0_gldouble), 0.0_gldouble) call glTranslated(-init_lookat%x, -init_lookat%y, -init_lookat%z) call glScaled(xscale_factor,yscale_factor,zscale_factor) return end subroutine reset_view ! ----- subroutine mouse(button, state, x, y) ! ----- integer(kind=glcint), intent(in out) :: button, state, x, y ! This gets called when a mouse button changes if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON .and. state == GLUT_DOWN) then moving_left = .true. begin_left = cart2D(x,y) end if if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON .and. state == GLUT_UP) then moving_left = .false. end if if (button == GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON .and. state == GLUT_DOWN) then moving_middle = .true. begin_middle = cart2D(x,y) end if if (button == GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON .and. state == GLUT_UP) then moving_middle = .false. end if return end subroutine mouse ! ------ subroutine motion(x, y) ! ------ integer(kind=glcint), intent(in out) :: x, y ! This gets called when the mouse moves integer :: button_function type(cart2D) :: begin real(kind=gldouble) :: factor ! Determine and apply the button function if (moving_left) then button_function = left_button_func begin = begin_left else if(moving_middle) then button_function = middle_button_func begin = begin_middle end if select case(button_function) case (ZOOM) if (y < begin%y) then factor = 1.0_gldouble/(1.0_gldouble + .002_gldouble*(begin%y-y)) else if (y > begin%y) then factor = 1.0_gldouble + .002_gldouble*(y-begin%y) else factor = 1.0_gldouble end if shift%z = factor*shift%z case (PAN) shift%x = shift%x + .01*(x - begin%x) shift%y = shift%y - .01*(y - begin%y) case (ROTATE) angle%x = angle%x + (x - begin%x) angle%y = angle%y + (y - begin%y) case (SCALEX) if (y < begin%y) then factor = 1.0_gldouble + .002_gldouble*(begin%y-y) else if (y > begin%y) then factor = 1.0_gldouble/(1.0_gldouble + .002_gldouble*(y-begin%y)) else factor = 1.0_gldouble end if xscale_factor = xscale_factor * factor case (SCALEY) if (y < begin%y) then factor = 1.0_gldouble + .002_gldouble*(begin%y-y) else if (y > begin%y) then factor = 1.0_gldouble/(1.0_gldouble + .002_gldouble*(y-begin%y)) else factor = 1.0_gldouble end if yscale_factor = yscale_factor * factor case (SCALEZ) if (y < begin%y) then factor = 1.0_gldouble + .002_gldouble*(begin%y-y) else if (y > begin%y) then factor = 1.0_gldouble/(1.0_gldouble + .002_gldouble*(y-begin%y)) else factor = 1.0_gldouble end if zscale_factor = zscale_factor * factor end select ! update private variables and redisplay if (moving_left) then begin_left = cart2D(x,y) else if(moving_middle) then begin_middle = cart2D(x,y) end if if (moving_left .or. moving_middle) then call glutPostRedisplay() end if return end subroutine motion ! ------ subroutine arrows(key, x, y) ! ------ integer(glcint), intent(in out) :: key, x, y ! This routine handles the arrow key operations real(kind=gldouble) :: factor select case(arrow_key_func) case(ZOOM) select case(key) case(GLUT_KEY_DOWN) factor = 1.0_gldouble + .02_gldouble case(GLUT_KEY_UP) factor = 1.0_gldouble/(1.0_gldouble + .02_gldouble) case default factor = 1.0_gldouble end select shift%z = factor*shift%z case(PAN) select case(key) case(GLUT_KEY_LEFT) shift%x = shift%x - .02 case(GLUT_KEY_RIGHT) shift%x = shift%x + .02 case(GLUT_KEY_DOWN) shift%y = shift%y - .02 case(GLUT_KEY_UP) shift%y = shift%y + .02 end select case(ROTATE) select case(key) case(GLUT_KEY_LEFT) angle%x = angle%x - 1.0_gldouble case(GLUT_KEY_RIGHT) angle%x = angle%x + 1.0_gldouble case(GLUT_KEY_DOWN) angle%y = angle%y + 1.0_gldouble case(GLUT_KEY_UP) angle%y = angle%y - 1.0_gldouble end select case(SCALEX) select case(key) case(GLUT_KEY_DOWN) factor = 1.0_gldouble/(1.0_gldouble + .02_gldouble) case(GLUT_KEY_UP) factor = 1.0_gldouble + .02_gldouble case default factor = 1.0_gldouble end select xscale_factor = xscale_factor * factor case(SCALEY) select case(key) case(GLUT_KEY_DOWN) factor = 1.0_gldouble/(1.0_gldouble + .02_gldouble) case(GLUT_KEY_UP) factor = 1.0_gldouble + .02_gldouble case default factor = 1.0_gldouble end select yscale_factor = yscale_factor * factor case(SCALEZ) select case(key) case(GLUT_KEY_DOWN) factor = 1.0_gldouble/(1.0_gldouble + .02_gldouble) case(GLUT_KEY_UP) factor = 1.0_gldouble + .02_gldouble case default factor = 1.0_gldouble end select zscale_factor = zscale_factor * factor end select call glutPostRedisplay() return end subroutine arrows ! ------------ subroutine menu_handler(value) ! ------------ integer(kind=glcint), intent(in out) :: value ! This routine handles the first level entries in the menu select case(value) case(RESET) call reset_to_init() case(QUIT) stop end select return end subroutine menu_handler ! --------------- subroutine set_left_button(value) ! --------------- integer(kind=glcint), intent(in out) :: value ! This routine sets the function of the left button as given by menu selection left_button_func = value return end subroutine set_left_button ! ----------------- subroutine set_middle_button(value) ! ----------------- integer(kind=glcint), intent(in out) :: value ! This routine sets the function of the middle button as given by menu selection middle_button_func = value return end subroutine set_middle_button ! -------------- subroutine set_arrow_keys(value) ! -------------- integer(kind=glcint), intent(in out) :: value ! This routine sets the function of the arrow keys as given by menu selection arrow_key_func = value return end subroutine set_arrow_keys ! ------------------ function view_modifier_init() result(menuid) ! ------------------ integer(kind=glcint) :: menuid ! This initializes the view modifier variables and sets initial view. ! It should be called immediately after glutCreateWindow integer(kind=glcint) :: button_left, button_middle, arrow_keys ! set the callback functions call glutMouseFunc(mouse) call glutMotionFunc(motion) call glutSpecialFunc(arrows) ! create the menu button_left = glutCreateMenu(set_left_button) call glutAddMenuEntry("rotate",ROTATE) call glutAddMenuEntry("zoom",ZOOM) call glutAddMenuEntry("pan",PAN) call glutAddMenuEntry("scale x",SCALEX) call glutAddMenuEntry("scale y",SCALEY) call glutAddMenuEntry("scale z", SCALEZ) button_middle = glutCreateMenu(set_middle_button) call glutAddMenuEntry("rotate",ROTATE) call glutAddMenuEntry("zoom",ZOOM) call glutAddMenuEntry("pan",PAN) call glutAddMenuEntry("scale x",SCALEX) call glutAddMenuEntry("scale y",SCALEY) call glutAddMenuEntry("scale z", SCALEZ) arrow_keys = glutCreateMenu(set_arrow_keys) call glutAddMenuEntry("rotate",ROTATE) call glutAddMenuEntry("zoom",ZOOM) call glutAddMenuEntry("pan",PAN) call glutAddMenuEntry("scale x",SCALEX) call glutAddMenuEntry("scale y",SCALEY) call glutAddMenuEntry("scale z", SCALEZ) menuid = glutCreateMenu(menu_handler) call glutAddSubMenu("left mouse button",button_left) call glutAddSubMenu("middle mouse button",button_middle) call glutAddSubMenu("arrow keys",arrow_keys) call glutAddMenuEntry("reset to initial view",RESET) call glutAddMenuEntry("quit",QUIT) ! set the perspective call glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) call gluPerspective(10.0_gldouble, 1.0_gldouble, 0.1_gldouble, 200.0_gldouble) ! set the initial view call glPushMatrix() call reset_to_init() return end function view_modifier_init ! ----------- function sphere2cart(spoint) result(cpoint) ! ----------- type(sphere3D), intent(in) :: spoint type(cart3D) :: cpoint ! This converts a 3D point from spherical to cartesean coordinates real(kind=gldouble) :: t,p,r t=spoint%theta p=spoint%phi r=spoint%rho cpoint%x = r*cos(t)*sin(p) cpoint%y = r*sin(t)*sin(p) cpoint%z = r*cos(p) return end function sphere2cart ! ----------- function cart2sphere(cpoint) result(spoint) ! ----------- type(cart3D), intent(in) :: cpoint type(sphere3D) :: spoint ! This converts a 3D point from cartesean to spherical coordinates real(kind=gldouble) :: x,y,z x=cpoint%x y=cpoint%y z=cpoint%z spoint%rho = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) if (x==0.0_gldouble .and. y==0.0_gldouble) then spoint%theta = 0.0_gldouble else spoint%theta = atan2(y,x) end if if (spoint%rho == 0.0_gldouble) then spoint%phi = 0.0_gldouble else spoint%phi = acos(z/spoint%rho) end if return end function cart2sphere ! ------------------ function cart3D_plus_cart3D(cart1,cart2) result(cart3) ! ------------------ type(cart3D), intent(in) :: cart1, cart2 type(cart3D) :: cart3 ! Compute the sum of two 3D cartesean points cart3%x = cart1%x + cart2%x cart3%y = cart1%y + cart2%y cart3%z = cart1%z + cart2%z return end function cart3D_plus_cart3D ! ------------------- function cart3D_minus_cart3D(cart1,cart2) result(cart3) ! ------------------- type(cart3D), intent(in) :: cart1, cart2 type(cart3D) :: cart3 ! Compute the difference of two 3D cartesean points cart3%x = cart1%x - cart2%x cart3%y = cart1%y - cart2%y cart3%z = cart1%z - cart2%z return end function cart3D_minus_cart3D end module view_modifier !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a simple program to demonstrate the use of the view_modifier module ! It consists of a module with the callback functions and a main program. module view_demo_callbacks use opengl_gl use opengl_glut use view_modifier private public :: display contains subroutine display() ! This gets called when the display needs to be redrawn call reset_view() call glClear(ior(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT,GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)) call glCallList(1) call glutSwapBuffers() return end subroutine display end module view_demo_callbacks program view_demo use opengl_gl use opengl_glut use view_modifier use view_demo_callbacks implicit none integer :: winid, menuid real(kind=glfloat), dimension(3) :: & ! colors for bronze from Redbook teapots ambient = (/ 0.2125_glfloat, 0.1275_glfloat, 0.054_glfloat /), & diffuse = (/ 0.714_glfloat, 0.4284_glfloat, 0.18144_glfloat /), & specular = (/ 0.393548_glfloat, 0.271906_glfloat, 0.166721_glfloat /) real(kind=glfloat), dimension(4) :: & pos = (/ 1.0_glfloat, 1.0_glfloat, 1.0_glfloat, 0.0_glfloat /), & white = (/ 1.0_glfloat, 1.0_glfloat, 1.0_glfloat, 1.0_glfloat /) ! Initializations call glutInit() call glutInitDisplayMode(ior(GLUT_DOUBLE,ior(GLUT_RGB,GLUT_DEPTH))) ! Create a window winid = glutCreateWindow("View Modifier Demo") menuid = view_modifier_init() call glutAttachMenu(GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON) ! Set the display callback call glutDisplayFunc(display) ! Create the image call glNewList(1,GL_COMPILE) ! Draw axes so we know the orientation call glBegin(GL_LINES) call glVertex3f(0.0_glfloat,0.0_glfloat,0.0_glfloat) call glVertex3f(2.0_glfloat,0.0_glfloat,0.0_glfloat) call glVertex3f(0.0_glfloat,0.0_glfloat,0.0_glfloat) call glVertex3f(0.0_glfloat,2.0_glfloat,0.0_glfloat) call glVertex3f(0.0_glfloat,0.0_glfloat,0.0_glfloat) call glVertex3f(0.0_glfloat,0.0_glfloat,2.0_glfloat) ! Draw crude x, y and z to label the axes call glVertex3f(2.1_glfloat,-0.1_glfloat,0.1_glfloat) ! X call glVertex3f(2.1_glfloat,0.1_glfloat,-0.1_glfloat) call glVertex3f(2.1_glfloat,-0.1_glfloat,-0.1_glfloat) call glVertex3f(2.1_glfloat,0.1_glfloat,0.1_glfloat) call glVertex3f(0.1_glfloat,2.1_glfloat,0.1_glfloat) ! Y call glVertex3f(0.0_glfloat,2.1_glfloat,0.0_glfloat) call glVertex3f(-0.1_glfloat,2.1_glfloat,0.1_glfloat) call glVertex3f(0.1_glfloat,2.1_glfloat,-0.1_glfloat) call glVertex3f(-0.1_glfloat,0.1_glfloat,2.1_glfloat) ! Z call glVertex3f(0.1_glfloat,0.1_glfloat,2.1_glfloat) call glVertex3f(0.1_glfloat,0.1_glfloat,2.1_glfloat) call glVertex3f(-0.1_glfloat,-0.1_glfloat,2.1_glfloat) call glVertex3f(-0.1_glfloat,-0.1_glfloat,2.1_glfloat) call glVertex3f(0.1_glfloat,-0.1_glfloat,2.1_glfloat) call glEnd() ! Draw a teapot ! rotate so the z-axis comes out the top, x-axis out the spout call glRotated(90.0_gldouble,1.0_gldouble,0.0_gldouble,0.0_gldouble) call glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, ambient) call glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse) call glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, specular) call glMaterialf(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 25.6_glfloat) call glutSolidTeapot(1.0_gldouble) call glEndList() ! Set the lighting call glClearColor(0.8_glclampf, 0.8_glclampf, 0.8_glclampf, 1.0_glclampf) call glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, white) call glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, pos) call glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) call glEnable(GL_LIGHT0) call glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) ! Let glut take over call glutMainLoop() stop end program view_demo