Note: Microsoft NMAKE is not provided in the LF Fortran Express Edition product. The directories under the EXAMPLES directory contain numerous example programs demonstrating various abilities such as mixed language programming, use of the WiSK graphics library, OpenGL, etc. With the exception of the Examples\Make directory, each example directory contains batch files and at least one NMAKE make file. There should always be a master make file called "makefile" in each directory. If the directory contains several programs or subdirectories, the master make file will compile and execute each example program in each of the subdirectories, by invoking that program's make file. If the directory contains a single program with no subdirectories, the make file will directly compile and execute the example program. If the user wishes to determine the commands necessary to build a particular example, the batch file should be examined, because it contains the explicit build command. If the user wishes to peruse the examples directory to gain a sense of the capabilities of LF95, the makefiles should be executed, because they run the example programs sequentially, with a minimum of effort. To execute a master make file, at the command prompt, the user should cd to the desired directory and type "nmake". To execute an individual make file for a specific program, the user should type "nmake /f makename.mak" where "makename.mak" is the name of the make file in question. To clean up after running the examples, the user can type "nmake clean", and all built files in the directory or subdirectory will be deleted. The Examples\Make directory contains both Nmake make files and Automake configuration files. The nmake file and the automake file both build the same project. To invoke the Automake build, run the batch file "amproj.bat". To run the Nmake makefile, type "nmake". The Examples\Mix_lang\MSVC directory additionally contains project files so that each example program can be build using Visual Studio 6. Before opening the project in Visual Studio, the following steps should be taken so that Visual Studio can find LF95: 1) Open TOOLS|OPTIONS menu selection 2) Select the DIRECTORIES tab in the tabbed dialog 3) Select "EXECUTABLE FILES" from the "SHOW DIRECTORIES FOR" dropdown menu. See if any LF95 directories already exist there. You will either need to delete them, or make sure that the LF95 directory appears before them. At the bottom add the LF95 bin directory. 4) Select "LIBRARY FILES" from the "SHOW DIRECTORIES FOR" dropdown menu. Add the LF95 lib directory. Make sure that no other Lahey directories appear before this directory. 5) Select "INCLUDE FILES" from the "SHOW DIRECTORIES FOR" dropdown menu. Add the LF95 include directory. Make sure that no other Lahey directories appear before this directory.