This directory contains project files (*.dsp) so that each example program can be build using Visual Studio 6. Before opening the project in Visual Studio, the following steps should be taken so that Visual Studio can find LF95: 1) Open TOOLS|OPTIONS menu selection 2) Select the DIRECTORIES tab in the tabbed dialog 3) Select "EXECUTABLE FILES" from the "SHOW DIRECTORIES FOR" dropdown menu. See if any LF95 directories already exist there. You will either need to delete them, or make sure that the LF95 directory appears before them. At the bottom add the LF95 bin directory. 4) Select "LIBRARY FILES" from the "SHOW DIRECTORIES FOR" dropdown menu. Add the LF95 lib directory. Make sure that no other Lahey directories appear before this directory. 5) Select "INCLUDE FILES" from the "SHOW DIRECTORIES FOR" dropdown menu. Add the LF95 include directory. Make sure that no other Lahey directories appear before this directory.