PROGRAM ovpindex c============================================================================ c PROCEDURE NAME: _ovpindex c PROCEDURE TYPE: _program c VERSION DATE: _22.VII.98 c c PURPOSE: c This program generates overpass index data sets from TOMS data for sites c specified in the input file SITELIST. c c c EXTERNAL ROUTINES REQUIRED: c c NOTES & CAVEATS: c General documentation is in the directory Document c c The main program calls four routines: c readin - reads in the run parameters c initialize - opens files, initializes variables, etc. c process - does the data processing c finalize - completes pending write-outs, closes files, etc. c c Y2K compliance: c In the date stamp written to the log file, dates are pivoted at 70. c The value returned by the FORTRAN intrinsic subroutine IDATE may c not follow the same convention. It's not documented. The only c effect will be to have the wrong year in the date stamp in the c log file. c c c REVISION HISTORY: c V.2.0 22.VII.98 E. Celarier, Software Corp of America c V.1.0 23.II.98 E. Celarier, Software Corp of America c c============================================================================ IMPLICIT NONE c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Common blocks c INCLUDE "ovpindex.prm" INCLUDE "ovpindex.cmn" c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Local variables c CHARACTER*8 waktu CHARACTER*2 yp INTEGER*4 bulan, hari, tahun LOGICAL success c============================================================================ c--Open and start writing to the log file CALL get_lun(loglun) OPEN(UNIT=loglun, FILE='OVPINDEX.LOG',FORM='formatted') CALL IDATE(bulan, hari, tahun) yp= '19' IF(tahun .LT. 75) yp='20' CALL TIME(waktu) WRITE(loglun,2) yp, tahun, bulan, hari, waktu 2 FORMAT('Program ovpindex (v 2.0) log file.'// & 'Execution started: ',A2, & I2.2,'.',I2.2,'.',I2.2,' at ',A8/) c--Main program execution sequence. WRITE(6,*)' READIN' CALL readin(success) IF(.NOT.success) STOP WRITE(6,*)' INITIALIZE' CALL initialize(success) IF(.NOT.success) STOP WRITE(6,*)' PROCESS' CALL process(success) IF(.NOT.success) STOP WRITE(6,*)' FINALIZE' CALL finalize(success) c--Write trailer to, and close, the log file. CALL IDATE(bulan, hari, tahun) yp= '19' IF(tahun .LT. 75) yp='20' CALL TIME(waktu) WRITE(loglun,3) yp, tahun, bulan, hari, waktu 3 FORMAT('Execution completed: ',A2, & I2.2,'.',I2.2,'.',I2.2,' at ',A8/) CLOSE(loglun) CALL unget_lun(loglun) STOP END