This library contains the following subroutine files file subroutines purpose ----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------------- instdates.f instdates find absolute first & last days of data for an instrument ld_instdata.f ld_instdata load the instrument data appropriate for a certain date, and a certain instrument, unless it's already in common. finstfile find the instrument file for a particular date and particular instrument ld_instset load the instrument data file into common block /instdata/. Usage: (Need to set up a symbolic link to the library where the instrument data files are. This should be called INSTDATA). CHARACTER*2 sat2lc CHARACTER*7 from, to, yyyydoy LOGICAL success INCLUDE "instdata.cmn" c--find the beginning and ending dates for the satellite specified by sat2lc . c--(currently operating satellites will return a '9999999' for to .) c--(invalid sat2lc results in error message and aborted execution.) sat2lc= ... CALL instdates(sat2lc, from, to) c--load the instrument data for a particular date into the common block /instdata/: yyyydoy= ... CALL ld_instdata(sat2lc, yyyydoy, success) IF(.NOT. success) ...