SUBROUTINE ld_cont_scan(success) c PURPOSE c This subroutine reads in the continuous scan table, using the c routine rd_cont_scan, and puts the data into the appropriate c locations in the common block /rttbls/. Besides data in the c continuous scan table files, a few other tables are computed c and also stored in the common block. c INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "rttbls_cs.cmn" LOGICAL success CHARACTER*4 ozone_s(0:n_ozone-1) INTEGER*2 i REAL*4 sza_x(0:n_sza-1), press_x(0:n_press-1) REAL*8 radeg /57.295779513082323/ !deg-rad conversion c-------------------------------------------------------------------- c read the data from the file. c CALL rd_cont_scan(sza_x, ozone_s, waveln, press_x, & fs, gg, sb, success) IF (.NOT. success) RETURN d WRITE(6,91) sza_x d 91 FORMAT('sza_x: ',3(/(10(f6.1)))) d WRITE(6,92) ozone_s d 92 FORMAT('ozone_s:',3(/(10(a4,1x)))) c-------------------------------------------------------------------- c type conversion for sza and c precalculate ln(cos(sza)) needed for interpolation. c DO i=0, n_sza-1 sza(i)=sza_x(i) lncossza(i)= log(cos(sza(i)/radeg)) END DO c-------------------------------------------------------------------- c extract ozone amount and profile type from the Char*4 data read c from the file c DO i=0, n_ozone-1 prftype(i)= ozone_s(i)(1:1) read(ozone_s(i)(2:4),1) ozone(i) END DO c-------------------------------------------------------------------- c type conversion for pressure c press(0)=press_x(0) press(1)=press_x(1) c-------------------------------------------------------------------- c ix___lat variables indicate index of first element of ozone tables c for each of the profile types. c ixlowlat=0 ixmidlat=0 ixhighlat=0 DO i= n_ozone-1, 0, -1 IF (prftype(i) .EQ. 'L') ixlowlat= i IF (prftype(i) .EQ. 'M') ixmidlat= i IF (prftype(i) .EQ. 'H') ixhighlat= i END DO c-------------------------------------------------------------------- c convert wavelengths from \AAngstrom to nm c DO i=0, n_waveln-1 waveln(i)= waveln(i)/10.d0 END DO d WRITE(6,93)(waveln(j),j=0,4),(waveln(j),j=n_waveln-5,n_waveln-1) d 93 FORMAT('first 5 wavelengths:'/5f12.3/'last 5 wavelengths'/ d & 5f12.3) success=.TRUE. RETURN 1 FORMAT(F3) END