SUBROUTINE ld_cloud_ccf(taucl, rs, pt, szat, success) INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "weights.cmn" INCLUDE "rttbls_cs.cmn" INCLUDE "cloud.cmn" REAL*8 rs, szat, pt REAL*8 taucl, tcl, ccf, wavelength LOGICAL success INTEGER*4 ifn, ilam, ilam0, ilam1, ix c c c--Loop through weighting functions c DO ifn= 0, n_w_fns-1 c c c---Find beginning and ending wavelength indices. c npts= w_ix0(ifn+1)-w_ix0(ifn) ilam0= w_ilam0(ifn) ilam1= ilam0 + npts - 1 c c c---Fill in the cloud factor values c DO ipt=0, npts-1 wavelength= waveln(ilam0+ipt) cldfac(w_ix0(ifn)+ipt)= & ccf(wavelength, szat, taucl, rs*100., pt, success) IF(.NOT. success) RETURN END DO END DO success= .TRUE. RETURN END