SUBROUTINE gfluxquad(oz, sz, pr, rs, lat, nquad, quad, success) c c PURPOSE c calculates weighted quadrature (integral) of the global flux at the c earth's surface, given the parameters (oz, sz, pr, rs, lat), the c solar spectrum (in common /solspec/), and the weighting functions c described in common /weight/. c c CALLING PARAMETERS c INPUT c oz ozone (DU) c sz solar zenith angle (deg) c pr terrain pressure (atm) c rs surface reflectivity (fraction) c lat latitude (deg) c nquad dimension of quad c c OUTPUT c quad is the array (must be of dimension .GE. the number c of weighting functions) that will catch the output. c success flags whether the subroutine executed successfully. INCLUDE "" c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c Calling parameters c REAL*8 oz, sz, pr, rs, lat, quad(0:nquad-1) INTEGER*4 nquad LOGICAL success c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c Common blocks c INCLUDE "weights.cmn" INCLUDE "solspec.cmn" INCLUDE "rttbls_cs.cmn" INCLUDE "cloud.cmn" c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c Local variables c INTEGER*4 ifn, ilam, ilam0, ilam1, ix REAL*8 flux(0:n_waveln-1), sum IF (nquad .LT. n_w_fns) GOTO 900 DO ifn= 0, n_w_fns-1 npts= w_ix0(ifn+1)-w_ix0(ifn) ilam0= w_ilam0(ifn) ilam1= ilam0 + npts - 1 d WRITE(9,92) oz, sz, pr, rs, lat d 92 FORMAT('oz: ',f10.3,'sz: ',f10.3,'pr: ',f10.3,'rs: ',f10.3, d & 'lat: ', f10.3) CALL gfluxinterp(oz, sz, pr, rs, lat, ilam0, ilam1, & flux, success) IF (.NOT. success) RETURN d WRITE(9,90) ifn, w_ix0(ifn), npts, ilam0, ilam1, d & w_zero0(ifn), waveln(ilam0), waveln(ilam1), w_zero1(ifn) d 90 format(/'ifn:',i3,' w_ix0:',i4,' npts:',i5,' ilam0,1:',2i5, d & ' lams:', 4f8.3) DO ix=0, npts-1 d WRITE(9,91)ix, waveln(ilam0+ix),flux(ix),solspec(ilam0+ix), d & weight(w_ix0(ifn)+ix), cldfac(w_ix0(ifn)+ix) d 91 format(3x,i5,f8.3,5(1pe14.6)) END DO ix=0 flux(ix)= flux(ix) * & solspec(ilam0+ix) * & weight(w_ix0(ifn)+ix) * & cldfac(w_ix0(ifn)+ix) sum= (waveln(ilam0) - w_zero0(ifn))*flux(0) DO ix=1, npts-1 flux(ix)= flux(ix) * & solspec(ilam0+ix) * & weight(w_ix0(ifn)+ix) * & cldfac(w_ix0(ifn)+ix) sum= sum + (waveln(ilam0+ix)-waveln(ilam0+ix-1))* & (flux(ix-1) + flux(ix)) END DO sum= sum + (w_zero1(ifn) - waveln(ilam1))*flux(npts-1) quad(ifn)= sum/2.d0 d WRITE(9,93) quad(ifn) d 93 FORMAT(' *** Integrated flux: ',e14.6) END DO success= .TRUE. RETURN 900 CONTINUE WRITE(6,1) nquad, n_w_fns success= .FALSE. RETURN 1 FORMAT('!!! gfluxquad: supplied output array has dimension, ', & I4,'. It must have dimension >= ',I4) END