FUNCTION gfluxdiurn(oz, pr, rs, par1, par2, parmode, & taucl, success) c c PURPOSE c Calculate the diurnally- and spectrally-integrated, weighted irradiances c c CALLING PARAMETERS c oz i:R8 Profile ozone value, in DU c pr i:R8 Terrain pressure, in atm c rs i:R8 Surface reflectivity (fractional) c par1 i:R8 First parameter (see below) c par2 i:R8 Second parameter (see below) c parmode i:I4 Flag that indicates what the parameters are (vide infra) c taucl i:R8 Cloud optical thickness c success o:L Success flag c c Notes: Parameter modes c This routine can be called using solar declination angle and latitude, c or two equivalent parameterizations (a,b) or (p,q). The following c table indicates the identities of the parameters for the three modes: c c parmode par1 par2 c ------- --------- -------- c 1 soldecang latitude (both in degrees) c 2 a b (both dimensionless) c 3 p q (both dimensionless) c c By definition, c a= sin(soldecang)*sin(latitude) c b= cos(soldecang)*cos(latitude) c p= b + a = cos(soldecang - latitude) c q= b - a = cos(soldecang + latitude) c IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "" c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Calling parameters c REAL*8 gfluxdiurn REAL*8 oz, pr, rs, par1, par2, taucl INTEGER*4 parmode LOGICAL success c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Common Blocks c INCLUDE "gauscheb.cmn" c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Local variables c INTEGER*4 llim INTEGER*4 nquad /1/, i REAL*8 sd, sl, cd, cl, a, b, p, q, soldecang, lat REAL*8 z, sum, quad REAL*8 radeg /57.295779513082323/ !deg-rad conversion c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Whatever the parmode, find a and b... c IF(parmode .EQ. 1) THEN soldecang= par1/radeg sd= sin(soldecang) cd= cos(soldecang) lat= par2/radeg sl= sin(lat) cl= cos(lat) a= sd*sl b= cd*cl ELSE IF(parmode .EQ. 2) THEN lat= 0.d0 a= par1 b= par2 ELSE IF(parmode .EQ. 3) THEN lat= 0.d0 p= par1 q= par2 a= (p - q)/2.d0 b= (p + q)/2.d0 ELSE WRITE(6,*)' !!! gfluxdiurn !!! - called with invalid parmode:', & parmode success=.FALSE. gfluxdiurn= -999. RETURN END IF c------------------------------------------------------------------------ c On with the calculation... llim= int(nscl*acos(-a/b)-.5) sum= 0.d0 DO i=0,llim z= acos(b*y(i)+a)*radeg CALL ld_cloud_ccf(taucl, rs, pr, z, success) IF(.NOT. success) GOTO 901 CALL gfluxquad(oz, z, pr, rs, lat, nquad, quad, success) IF(.NOT. success) GOTO 902 sum= sum + quad END DO gfluxdiurn= t_fac*sum/nscl RETURN 901 CONTINUE WRITE(6,*)' !!! gfluxdiurn !!! call to ld_cloud_ccf failed.' gfluxdiurn= 0.d0 RETURN 902 CONTINUE WRITE(6,*)' !!! gfluxdiurn !!! call to gfluxquad failed.' gfluxdiurn= 0.d0 RETURN END