FUNCTION eckccf5(rt, success) c------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Calling parameters c c Input: REAL*8 rt c Output: REAL*8 eckccf5 LOGICAL success c======================================================================== c ECKCCF5 c c Calculates the cloud correction factor of Tom Eck, assuming a constant c 5% surface reflectivity. c c The only parameter is the TOMS reflectivity (as fraction, not percent) c c------------------------------------------------------------------------ c idiot-check rt c IF (rt .LT. 0. .OR. rt .gt. 1.) GOTO 901 IF (rt .LT. 0.5) THEN eckccf5= (1. - 0.05*rt)/0.9 ELSE eckccf5= (1. - rt) ENDIF success=.TRUE. RETURN c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Handle error condition. c 901 WRITE(6,91) rt success=.FALSE. RETURN 91 FORMAT(' !!! eckccf5: calling parameter rt=',f12.2, & ' out of range.'/ & ' value must be in [0,1]') END