subroutine int_rang(val,vec,veclen,first,pdeg,denom,inrange) c c purpose c this subroutine determines which points of the data vector vec c to use for a lagrange interpolation of degree le 3, and calculates c the denominators for the terms that go into the polynomial sum. c variable inrange is used to indicate if the value lies outside the c range of values found in vec (see below). c c calling parameters c val r8 i value of the variable c vec r8 i table of variables where the fn. value is known c veclen i4 i length of vec c first i4 o index of first element of vec to use for the c interpolation (starts at 0) c pdeg i4 o degree of polynomial to be used c denom r8 o table of denominators to use for terms in c the interpolation c inrange i4 o / -1 if val < vec(i) for all i c | 0 if val is amongst the vec(i)'s c \ +1 if val > vec(i) for all i c c revision history c 6.ii.97 added feature to allow vec elements to be either monotone c increasing or monotone decreasing. (eac) c vii.96 original written & tested (eac) c c---assumes: vec is ordered: vec(i) .lt. vec(i+1) for all i =or= c vec(i) .gt. vec(i+1) for all i integer*4 veclen, locinvec, first, pdeg, inrange, i, k integer*4 lastel real*8 s real*8 val, vec(0:veclen-1), denom(0:3) real*8 dsgn lastel= veclen-1 c s indicates direction of independent variable in vec. s = dsgn(vec(veclen-1)-vec(0)) c -- see if val is in the range of the table. if it is not, set up c -- for linear extrapolation. inrange = 0 if (dsgn(val - vec(lastel)) .eq. s) then inrange = 1 first = lastel-1 pdeg = 1 goto 100 endif if (dsgn(vec(0) - val) .eq. s) then inrange = -1 first = 0 pdeg = 1 goto 100 endif c -- get here if val is in the range of the table... pdeg = 0 first = 0 if (vec(first) .eq. val) goto 100 i = 1 10 continue first = i if (vec(first) .eq. val) goto 100 if (dsgn(vec(i) - val) .eq. s) goto 11 if (i .eq. lastel) goto 11 i = i+1 goto 10 11 i = i-1 first = i pdeg = 1 if (first .ne. 0) then first = first-1 pdeg = pdeg+1 endif if (first+pdeg .ne. lastel) pdeg = pdeg+1 100 continue do i = 0, pdeg denom(i) = 1. do k = 0,pdeg if ( denom(i)=denom(i)*(vec(first+i)-vec(first+k)) enddo enddo return end