subroutine init(wvl,success) c============================================================================ c procedure name: init c procedure type: fortran subroutine c version date: july, 1998 c c purpose: c driver for initialization of the riwi system. c c calling parameters: c name type i/o units description c -------- ---- --- ----- -------------- c wvl i4 i nm nominal wavelength of reflectivity c channel (360 or 380) c success l o successful completion flag. c c external routines required: c c notes & caveats: c the call to ld_gauscheb can be eliminated if no diurnal integral c is desired. c c revision history: c c============================================================================ implicit none c -- calling parameters logical success integer*4 wvl c -- local variables integer*4 usepts /64/ c c============================================================================ call ld_ccftabl(success) if (.not. success) return if ((wvl .eq. 360) .or. (wvl .eq. 380)) then call ld_radlow(wvl, success) if (.not. success) return call ld_radhigh(wvl, success) if (.not. success) return end if return end