C C*** Sample Fortran program to read 5 scans from the SBUV C*** CD-ROM data set and display the profiles C C &---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7-| REAL*4 P(17),MR(17),X1(12),PX(13) DATA P/0.5,0.7,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,7.0,10.0,15.0,20.0,30.0, & 40.0,50.0,70.0,100.0/ C C*** set pressure boundaries for Umkehr layers PX(1)=0.5 DO 10 L=2,12 10 PX(L)=PX(L-1)/2.0 PX(1)=1.0 PX(13)=0.0 C*** convert to millibars DO 20 L=1,12 20 PX(L)=PX(L)*1013.25 C open(1,file='/y78/m7811/oz781101.n7s') C C*** read in successive scans and display profile DO 300 j=1,5 read(1,1000) IyrDay,Isec,Alat,Alon,ZA,Iflag,Ref,Toz 1000 format(2I6,F7.2,F7.1,F6.2,I5,F5.2,F6.1) read(1,1100) X1 1100 format(6F7.3) read(1,1200) MR 1200 format(9F5.2) C iyear=Iyrday/1000 iday=Iyrday-iyear*1000 iyear=iyear+1900 write(*,2000) iday,iyear,alat,alon,toz 2000 format(' Day',I4,',', I5,3x,'Lat:',F6.1,3x,'Lon:',F6.1,3x, & 'total ozone:',F6.1) write(*,*) ' Umkehr layer ozone (DU) P(mb) mixing rat &io (ppmv)' DO 100 L=1,12 write(*,2100) 13-L,PX(13-L),PX(14-L),X1(L),P(L),MR(L) 2100 format(I3,F9.2,' -',F7.2,3X,F7.2,6X,F6.1,5X,F5.2) 100 continue DO 110 L=13,17 write(*,2200) P(L),MR(L) 2200 format(37X,F6.1,5X,F5.2) 110 continue pause ' Hit any key to continue' 300 continue stop end