WARNING: the sonde correction tables given here have been superseded by a more up to date set of tables based on the new climatology produced by Labow, Loagan, and McPeters in 2006. A paper describing the new climatology will be published soon in JGR: paper # 2005JD006823 "Ozone climatological profiles for satellite retrieval algorithms" by R. McPeters, G. Labow, and J. Logan. the new table is available from this FTP site ftp toms.gsfc.nasa.gov cd pub/LLM_climatology get the file: new sonde add-on table.txt ================================================================== The two tables in this directory are those published in the following paper, which has been accepted for publication in J. Geophys. Res. (as of August 1996): An SBUV Ozone Climatology for Balloonsonde Estimation of Total Column Ozone R. D. McPeters NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland G. J. Labow Hughes STX Corporation, Greenbelt, Maryland B. J. Johnson NOAA Climate Monitoring and Diagnostic Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado Abstract. The standard technique for computing total column ozone from a balloonsonde measurement includes an extrapolation of the measured ozone profile to altitudes above the balloon burst altitude. This total column calculation can be improved by using a monthly average ozone climatology based on ozone profile measurements from the Solar Backscattered Ultraviolet (SBUV) instrument on the Nimbus-7 satellite. For each month and 10 degree latitude zone we provide the column ozone above thirty distinct pressure levels in the middle and upper atmosphere (from 1 through 30 millibar) that can be added to the measured balloon profile. Use of this climatology reduces the uncertainty in the column ozone estimate when the sonde data are compared with simultaneous Dobson observations at Boulder and at Mauna Loa.