April 1999 This directory contains GIF images of ADEOS/TOMS gridded ozone, uv, reflectivity and aerosol data. images/aerosol/yYYYY/aaYYMMDD.gif (YYYY=1996,1997) images/uv/yYYYY/aeYYMMDD.gif images/reflectivity/arYYMMDD.gif Daily (YY=year, DDD=day) cylindrical equidistant projections of aerosol, uv and reflectivity data. images/global/yYYYY/atYYMMDD.gif Daily ozone GIF images . These are gridded, full day images from year YY month MM and day DD. images/spole/yYYYY/asYYMMDD.gif South pole orthographic ozone GIF images. These are gridded images from year YY, month MM and day DD. images/npole/yYYYY/anYYMMDD.gif North pole orthographic ozone GIF images. If these ADEOS/TOMS images are downloaded and used in publication, please give proper credit to the NASA/GSFC TOMS Ozone Processing Team. For more information on the ADEOS/TOMS dataset, contact Dr. Arlin Krueger Code 916 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Md. 20771 krueger@chapman.gsfc.nasa.gov