October 31, 2019 README for file GDOC_ver1.nc Corresponding Citation: https://amt.copernicus.org/articles/13/2733/2020/ GDOC_ver1.nc is a NetCDF file containing the GEOS-GMI Diurnal Ozone Climatology. The climatology is based on model output from the NASA GEOS-GMI simulation running concurrent with SAGE III observations (output currently available for 2017-2018). The simulation is based on the NASA GMAO GOES-5 GCM run in reply mode constrained to 3-hourly MERRA-2 dynamical fields. The model in run at C90 with a spatial resolution of 1 deg. longitude by 1 deg. latitude. Model output is available every 30 minutes. The climatology is constructed by binning half-hourly model output as a function of latitude (5-degree latitude bins), month and local solar time (30-minute bins). The vertical coordinate is zstar pressure levels, defined as prlevs=1013.25/10^(z/16.) where z varies from 0-80km. However the climatology is only reported at levels between 100 hPa and 0.3 hPa. Above 0.3 hPa the model output have not been evaluated. The climatology is reported down to 100 hPa though it has not been evaluated below 30 hPa. The values are reported as a ratio of the value at midlight local solar time. Contact Person: Stacey Frith (stacey.m.frith@nasa.gov) Model Output Contact Person: Luke Oman (luke.d.oman@nasa.gov) For assistance reading the file, please contact Stacey Frith.