pro pmap_lev_mls_100hpa,data,longrid,latgrid,dlon,dlat,levels=levels,title=title, $ region=region,figname=figname,colorindex=colorindex ; Make a postscript file of a map variable ; Input: ; data = an array of data (longrid,latgrid) elements ; latgrid = one dimensional array of latitudes ; longrid = one dimensional array of longitudes ; levels= the contour levels to be plotted (maxium 26 elements is appropriate) ; labels= labels on the color scale ; title = title on figure ; region = plot region, e.g. glb, asa, ind, usa, pac, nor ; figname = postscript figure name (without .ps) ; ; Output: ; ;- if n_elements(levels) eq 0 and n_elements(labels) eq 0 then $ levels=findgen(12)*(max(data)-min(data))/12+min(data) if n_elements(title) eq 0 then title = figname if n_elements(region) eq 0 then region = 'glb' if region eq 'glb' then begin xr1=-180 & xr2=180 yr1= -90 & yr2= 90 xx=indgen(7)*60 -180 yy=indgen(7)*30 - 90 endif if region eq 'ind' then begin xr1= 40 & xr2=100 yr1= 0 & yr2= 40 xx=indgen( (xr2-xr1)/10 +1 )*10 +xr1 yy=indgen( (yr2-yr1)/10 +1 )*10 +yr1 endif if region eq 'asa' then begin xr1= 60 & xr2=160 yr1= -10 & yr2= 50 xx=indgen( (xr2-xr1)/10 +1 )*10 +xr1 yy=indgen( (yr2-yr1)/10 +1 )*10 +yr1 endif if region eq 'sea4rc' then begin xr1= 60 & xr2=160 yr1= -10 & yr2= 50 xx=indgen( (xr2-xr1)/10 +1 )*10 +xr1 yy=indgen( (yr2-yr1)/10 +1 )*10 +yr1 endif if region eq 'sas' then begin xr1= 100 & xr2=180 yr1= 0 & yr2= 60 xx=indgen( (xr2-xr1)/10 +1 )*10 +xr1 yy=indgen( (yr2-yr1)/10 +1 )*10 +yr1 endif if region eq 'usa' then begin xr1=-130 & xr2=-60 yr1= 24 & yr2= 54 xx=indgen( (xr2-xr1)/10 +1 )*10 +xr1 yy=indgen( (yr2-yr1)/10 +1 )*10 +yr1 endif if region eq 'usa1' then begin xr1=-170 & xr2=-40 yr1= 10 & yr2= 80 xx=indgen( (xr2-xr1)/10 +1 )*10 +xr1 yy=indgen( (yr2-yr1)/10 +1 )*10 +yr1 endif if region eq 'cal' then begin xr1=-125 & xr2=-110 yr1= 25 & yr2= 45 xx=indgen( (xr2-xr1)/10 +1 )*10 +xr1 yy=indgen( (yr2-yr1)/10 +1 )*10 +yr1 endif if region eq 'eur' then begin xr1= -20 & xr2= 60 yr1= 35 & yr2= 75 xx=indgen( (xr2-xr1)/10 +1 )*10 +xr1 yy=indgen( (yr2-yr1)/10 +1 )*10 +yr1 endif if region eq 'nor' then begin xr1=-180 & xr2=180 yr1= 0 & yr2= 90 xx=indgen(7)*60 -180 yy=indgen( (yr2-yr1)/15 +1 )*15 +yr1 endif xlonnm = strcompress(abs(xx),/remove_all) xlatnm = strcompress(abs(yy),/remove_all) for i=0,n_elements(xx)-1 do begin if xx(i) lt 0 and xx(i) ne -180 then xlonnm(i) = xlonnm(i)+'W' if xx(i) gt 0 and xx(i) ne 180 then xlonnm(i) = xlonnm(i)+'E' endfor for j=0,n_elements(yy)-1 do begin if yy(j) lt 0 then xlatnm(j) = xlatnm(j)+'S' if yy(j) gt 0 then xlatnm(j) = xlatnm(j)+'N' endfor none = replicate(' ',13) nq=n_elements(levels) q =fltarr(nq,nq) labels=strarr(nq) if n_elements(colorindex) eq 0 then begin if nq eq 12 then color_ind=[30,70,86,104,144,180,194,202,212,250,10,10] ;if nq eq 11 then color_ind=[30,70,86,104,144,180,194,202,212,250,10] if nq eq 11 then color_ind=[30,70,86,104,144,180,194, 212,250,10,10] if nq eq 10 then color_ind=[30,70,86,104,144,180,194, 212,250,10,10] if nq eq 9 then color_ind=[30,70,104,144,180,194, 212,250,10,10] endif else begin color_ind=colorindex endelse set_plot,'ps' ict=39 loadct,ict if region ne 'nor' then begin x1=0.07 & x2=0.94 & y1=0.13 & y2=0.95 xc1=x1 & xc2=x2 & yc1=0.04 & yc2=0.06 endif if region eq 'nor' then begin x1=0.07 & x2=0.94 & y1=0.74 & y2=0.95 xc1=x1 & xc2=x2 & yc1=y1-0.07 & yc2=yc1+0.02 endif !psym=0 !p.font=0 device,/symbol,font_index=4 ;device,/portrait,bits=8 ;device,/portrait,yoffset=1.,ysize=9.,/inches device,/landscape,bits=8 device,/landscape,xoffset=0.5, yoffset=10.5, xsize=10, ysize=7.,/inches device,filename=figname+'.ps',/color if max(data(*,*,6)) gt max(levels) then levels(nq-1)=max(data(*,*,6)) for l=0,nq-1 do begin if levels(l) lt 0.0001 and levels(l) gt 0 then $ labels(l)=string(levels(l),format='(e10.1)') if levels(l) ge 0.0001 and levels(l) lt 0.001 then $ labels(l)=string(levels(l),format='(f6.4)') if levels(l) ge 0.001 and levels(l) lt 0.01 then $ labels(l)=string(levels(l),format='(f5.3)') if levels(l) ge 0.01 and levels(l) lt 0.1 then $ labels(l)=string(levels(l),format='(f4.2)') if levels(l) ge 0.1 and levels(l) lt 1 then $ labels(l)=string(levels(l),format='(f4.2)') if levels(l) ge 1. and levels(l) lt 10. then $ labels(l)=string(levels(l),format='(f3.1)') if levels(l) ge 10 and levels(l) lt 100. then $ labels(l)=string(levels(l),format='(i2)') if levels(l) ge 100 and levels(l) lt 1000. then $ labels(l)=string(levels(l),format='(i3)') if levels(l) ge 1000 and levels(l) lt 10000. then $ labels(l)=string(levels(l),format='(i4)') if levels(l) ge 10000 and levels(l) lt 100000. then $ labels(l)=string(levels(l),format='(i5)') endfor ;set_viewport,x1,x2,y1,y2 ;contour,data,longrid,latgrid,/cell_fill,levels=levels, $ ;set_viewport,x1,x2,y1,y2 set_viewport !x.omargin=[3,3] !y.omargin=[2,2] !p.charsize=1.2 !p.charthick=5 !p.multi=[0,1,1,1,0] ;gocart_level ;slev=['992','970','929','867','787','697','600','510','433','369',$ ; '313','266','226','192','163','139','118','100','85','67', $ ; '48','34','24','14','6.7','2.9','1.1','0.41','0.14','0.04'] slev=['1000','681','464','316','215','146','100','68','46','31', $ '21','14','10','6.8','4.64','3.16','2.15','1.46','1.00','0.681', $ '0.464','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0'] nlev=n_elements(slev) ;for ilev=0,nlev-1 do begin for ilev=6,6 do begin map_set,/continent,/cyl,/noerase,/advance, $ title='MLS CO (ppbv) '+slev(ilev)+' hpa '+title , $ limit=[yr1,xr1,yr2,xr2],mlinethick=2,color=0 contour,data(*,*,ilev),longrid,latgrid,/overplot,/nodata,levels=levels, $ c_colors=color_ind,/fol, $ xrange=[xr1,xr2], yrange=[yr1,yr2], xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xticklen= -0.02, yticklen= -0.01, $ xtickname=xlonnm, ytickname=xlatnm, $ xticks=n_elements(xlonnm)-1, xminor=6, $ yticks=n_elements(xlatnm)-1, yminor=6, charsize=1.2,color=0 ;map_set,/continent,/cyl,/noerase,$;/noborder, $ ;limit=[yr1,xr1,yr2,xr2],mlinethick=2,color=0 nlon=n_elements(longrid) nlat=n_elements(latgrid) ;dlon=2.5 ;dlat=1.25 icolor2d=intarr(nlon,nlat) for ilon=0,nlon-1 do begin ;print, 'ilon',ilon for ilat=0,nlat-1 do begin ;print, 'ilat',ilat if(data(ilon,ilat,ilev) lt levels(0)) then icolor2d(ilon,ilat)=255 ;print, 'here' for l=0,nq-2 do begin ;print, 'here2' if(data(ilon,ilat,ilev) ge levels(l) and data(ilon,ilat,ilev) lt levels(l+1)) $ then icolor2d(ilon,ilat)=color_ind(l) endfor ;print, 'here3' if(data(ilon,ilat,ilev) ge levels(nq-1)) then icolor2d(ilon,ilat)=0 x0=longrid(ilon)-dlon/2. if(x0 lt -180.) then x0=x0+360. if(x0 gt 180.) then x0=x0-360. x1=longrid(ilon)+dlon/2. if(x1 lt -180.) then x1=x1+360. if(x1 gt 180.) then x1=x1-360. y0=latgrid(ilat)-dlat/2. if(y0 lt -90.) then y0=-90. if(y0 gt 90.) then y0= 90. y1=latgrid(ilat)+dlat/2. if(y1 lt -90.) then y1=-90. if(y1 gt 90.) then y1= 90. ;print, x0,x1,y0,y1 polyfill,[x0,x0,x1,x1], [y0,y1,y1,y0],color=icolor2d(ilon,ilat) endfor endfor map_continents,/continents,/coasts,/countries,mlinethick=2,color=0 ;map_set,/continent,/cyl,/noerase, $;/noborder, $ ;limit=[yr1,xr1,yr2,xr2],color=0 ;if region eq 'usa' or region eq 'cal' then $ ;map_set,/continent,/usa,/cyl,/noerase, $;/noborder, $ ;limit=[yr1,xr1,yr2,xr2],color=0 endfor for l = 0,nq-1 do q(l,*)=levels(l) set_viewport,xc1,xc2,yc1,yc2 contour,q,/fil,levels=levels, $ c_colors=color_ind, $ /noerase, $ xstyle=1,ystyle=1, $ xticklen=0., $ yticklen=0., $ xtickname=labels, ytickname=replicate(' ',5), $ xticks=n_elements(levels)-1, xminor=1, $ yticks=1, yminor=1, charsize=1.2,color=0 contour,q,/ov,levels=levels,color=0 ;xyouts, 0.5, 0.97, title,/normal device,/close end