1. Extinction @1064nm, north of 40N, Aerosols only, Feature Score -10:-5 CATS_Extinction_1064_aer_40N_ScoreN10N5.ps 2. Extinction @1064nm, north of 40N, Aerosols only, Feature Score -10:-5, with Extinction QC Flag=0 (57% of valid data) CATS_Extinction_1064_aer_40N_ScoreN10N5_ExtFlag.ps 3. Backscatter @1064nm, north of 40N, Aerosols only, Feature Score -10:-5 (different color scale to extinction) CATS_Partical_Backscatter_40N_ScoreN10N5.ps CALIPSO plots: 1. CALIPSO_BSK_EXT_532_1064_40N.ps CALIPSO back scatter and extinction coef at both 532nm and 1064nm for 2016/01/05-2016/01/20