program source c c Program which defines the dust sources as a function c of orography and vegetation c parameter (nx=360,ny=180,nveg=34) c character *1 FLG(nx,ny) character *5 veget(nveg) character *5 data(nx) c dimension nel1(nx,ny),nel2(nx,ny) dimension vdlg(nx,ny),dxy(nx,ny),rlate(ny) dimension ylat(ny) dimension ifrac_vu(34) c c Value Land Cover Class c ----- ------------------------------------------- c 0 water c 1 broadleaf evergreen forest c 2 coniferous evergreen forest and woodland c 3 high latitude deciduous forest and woodland c 4 tundra c 5 mixed coniferous forest and woodland c 6 wooded grassland c 7 grassland c 8 bare ground c 9 shrubs and bare ground c 10 cultivated crops c 11 broadleaf deciduous forest and woodland c 12 data unavailable C C Define latitiudes of data grid pints C do j=1,180 ylat(j)=-89.5+(j-1) enddo C C Read DeFries vegetation classes on a 1x1 grid (GISS) C C open(1,file='landcover.txt',status='old') do j=1,ny do i=1,nx read(1,*) nel2(i,ny-j+1) if (nel2(i,ny-j+1).eq.8) then nel2(i,ny-j+1)=10 else if (nel2(i,ny-j+1).eq.9) then nel2(i,ny-j+1)=2 else nel2(i,ny-j+1)=0 endif endif enddo enddo close(1) C C Read orography distribution on a 1x1 grid (GISS) C C NB: There is also the NAVY dataset on 10'x10' OPEN(1,FILE='orography',status='old') READ(1,1010) ((NEL1(I,J),FLG(I,J),I=1,360),J=1,180) CLOSE(1) DO j=1,ny DO i=1,nx/2 vdlg(i,j)=AMAX1(0.,FLOAT(NEL1(i+nx/2,j))) vdlg(i+nx/2,j)=AMAX1(0.,FLOAT(NEL1(i,j))) enddo enddo c c Surface pi=3.141592 re=6371e3 do j=1,ny rlate(j)=(-90.+(j-1))*pi/180. enddo do i=1,nx do j=2,ny dxy(i,j)=2.*pi*re**2*(sin(rlate(j))-sin(rlate(j-1)))/nx enddo dxy(i,1)=dxy(i,ny) enddo c call filter(ylat,nel2,vdlg) c totsur=0. do j=1,ny do i=1,nx totsur=totsur+vdlg(i,j)*dxy(i,j) enddo enddo write(*,*) 'Tot surface=',totsur open(1,file='source',form='unformatted') write(1) ((vdlg(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny) close(1) c 1010 FORMAT(12(I5,A1)) 101 format(10(3x,a5)) c stop end c subroutine filter(ylat,nel2,vdlg) c c Weight each grid point as a function of its relative c altitude and other parameters on a surrounding domain c of 2*ip (x-direction) and 2*jp (y-direction) c parameter (nx=360,ny=180) dimension vdlg0(nx,ny) dimension vdlg(nx,ny),ylat(ny) dimension nel2(nx,ny) c c Initialize c do j=1,ny do i=1,nx vdlg0(i,j)=vdlg(i,j) vdlg(i,j)=0. enddo enddo niter=1 c c Perform niter iteration to enlarge the surrounding domain c which will reinforce the weigth of large bassins compare c to small depressions c do it=1,niter c c Fix the number of grid points defining the size of the c surrounding domain c ip=6+it jp=6+it c c Loop over the grid points of the global domain c Warning: Siberia is cut off (to avoid extend the domain c on both sides of the dateline) c do 20 j1=jp,ny-jp+1 do 20 i1=ip,nx-ip+1 zmin=1.e30 zmax=-1.e30 av=0. iav=0 c c Loop over the grid points of the surrounding domain c do i2=i1-ip,i1+ip do j2=j1-jp,j1+jp iav=iav+1 av=av+vdlg0(i2,j2) c c Local altitude extrema c zmax=amax1(zmax,vdlg0(i2,j2)) zmin=amin1(zmin,vdlg0(i2,j2)) enddo enddo av=av/iav delta=amin1(8000.,zmax-zmin) deltak=delta/1000. if (,j1).gt.0.) then c c Weight depending on the gradient c alpha=(8.-0.25*deltak)/8. alpha=1 c c Weight depending on the relative altitude c delta=(zmax-vdlg0(i1,j1))/(zmax-zmin) delta=delta**3 c c Weigth depending on the vegetation c epsilon=nel2(i1,j1)/10. c c Weigth depending on the latitude c if (abs(ylat(j1)).gt.60.) then phi=0. else phi=1. endif c c Potential surface available for dust uplifting (source) c vdlg(i1,j1)=vdlg(i1,j1)+ > alpha*delta*epsilon*phi/niter c endif 20 continue enddo return end