These files are prepared for the modellers, who wish to conduct further research based on their experiences from TransCom-CH4. Each of these files contain emissions for individual flux components as used in preparing the CH4_CTL tracers. How these fluxes are prepared has been described in Patra et al. (JMSJ, 2009), and in the TransCom-CH4 control paper and the protocol. Prabir Patra, 17 June 2011 : Combined anthropogenic emission based on EDGAR3.2 spatial distributions and EDGAR HYDE trends (Olivier and Berdowski, 2001). The original flux distributions are available at 2, 5 or 10 years intervals but are interpolated to monthly intervals for this work. Please note the monthly values do not include any seasonal cycle. : Emissions due to biomass burning as in Fung et al. (1991), and total emission is reduced to about 60 Tg-CH4 by multiplying the values by 0.483. : Emissions from rice paddies (Yan et al., GBC, 2009). The global total emission is increased by a multiplication factor of 1.56. It is a believe that emissions from this sources should be about 40 Tg-CH4/yr (Patra et al., 2009 show some sensitivity study). : These three sets of emissions are : choosen from Fung et al. to represent : wetland emissions. The original emissions due to Tundra, Swamps and Bogs are multiplied by 2.0, 1.92 and 1.0, respectively. The total emissions due to all wetland is summed to about 150 Tg-CH4/yr. : This emission is originally available as annual mean (Fung et al.). The values are repeated for all 12 months. ************************************************************** Please note that only a climatological mean seasonal cycles (ignore time stamps in the NetCDF files) are available for biogenic fluxes in Fung et al. (1991; GISS database at and Yan et al. (2009; REAS database at Please check TransCom-CH4 protocol for CH4_BB, CH4_EXTRA etc. tracers regarding how to combine interannually varying biomass burning or wetland emissions with this set of fluxes (just as a suggestion).