The figures provided here are comparisons among ozonesonde and satellite ozone data from the 60 stations used in Stauffer et al., (2022; submitted to Earth and Space Science). Information on the ozonesonde data archives used, satellite data sets, and comparison methodology can be found in Stauffer et al., (2022). Each figure shows the time series of comparisons in % difference among ozonesondes and MLS ozone profiles (top panel), and OMI (blue dots), OMPS (red dots), GOME-2A (green dots), GOME-2B (cyan dots), and GOME-2C (black dots) total column ozone (TCO; bottom panel). Solid lines corresponding to each TCO satellite instrument on the bottom panel indicate 50-ozonesonde centered, moving averages. No average lines are plotted for the first 25 and last 25 comparisons. The horizontal dashed line on the bottom panel indicates the 0 % line for TCO comparisons. Red or blue colors on the top panels indicate where the ozonesonde ozone is greater or less than MLS. For more information, please contact Ryan Stauffer (NASA/GSFC) at