DATA The plots (gif files) in this directory are generated from the NCEP 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude grids taken from the MRF model runs. These plots are initialized at 00 GMT each day, and run forward 120 hours. GSFC acquires the forecasts at about 4AM each morning, and the analysis at about 2PM each afternoon. AVAILABLE PLOTS & Naming convention There are two basic types of plots available. PV and wind/temperature charts. The PV plots all begin with PV*. The date is attached in the yymmdd format following PV. Horizontal plots are then denoted with a theta value (330K), while cross-sections are denoted with the XSECT indicator. If the XSECT indicator is shown, the direction of the cross secion in indicated next (ENE, N, or WNW). The 330 K horizontal map is centered on Ellington, and the cross-sections are all oriented through Ellington. The final indicator shows either the data as an analysis (ANAL) or the forecast hour. As an example, the gif file PV_990319_330_48.gif is a PV field on the 330 K isentropic surface valid at 00 GMT on March 19, 1999 as derived from a 48 hour forecast. The gif file PV_990316_XSECT_WNW_ANAL.gif is an analysis cross section oriented in a WNW direction with respect to Ellington field valid at 00 GMT on March 16, 1999. In a similar way to the PV charts, the comparable gif files showing the winds and temperatures are shown in the TU*.gif files. Again, the date is in the yymmdd format following TU. Horizontal plots are then denoted with a pressure value (250 mb), while cross-sections are denoted with the XSECT indicator. If the XSECT indicator is shown, the direction of the cross secion in indicated next (ENE, N, or WNW). As with the isentropic maps, the 250 mb map is centered on Ellington. As another example, the gif file TU_990319_250_48.gif is a Temperature and wind field on the 250 mb surface valid at 00 GMT on March 19, 1999 as derived from a 48 hour forecast. Plot discussion The horizontal PV map shows Modified PV (the same as Ertel's PV mulitplied by a constant). The tropopause is shown as the magenta line superimposed on the figure, while the Montogomery stream function is superimposed in white. The air flow is generally parallel to the Montgomery stream function, with the speed proportional to the packing of the contours. An 1800 km circle is superimposed, showing the approximate range of the WB57. Also superimposed are the positions of the WNW, N, and ENE transect plots.