Temperature Comparisons for GMI GOAL: To determine which proposed GMI assessment temperature fields are most realistic in the lower stratosphere. FOCUS: The focus will be on Northern Hemisphere, middle latitude (40-50 north), 50 hPa, temperatures. The largest fraction of the accumulated emissions is expected to be within this latitude band. VALIDATION TEMPERATURES: The proposed GMI assessment temperature fields will be compared to an 18 year record of global, gridded, NCEP/CPC temperatures. These NCEP temperatures are interpolated to an equal area grid and processed in 10 degree latitude bands. The temperatures in each band are binned into 2K temperature bins to create temperatures distributions for each day. The daily distributions are then summed into monthly distributions for all 18 corresponding months. This temperature distribution is calculated for 3 vertical levels: 100, 50, and 30 hPa. The final product for the validation temperatures consists of one 4d array: 50 (temperature bins: 180-280), 16 (latitude bins), 3 (vertical levels), 12 (months in a year). The 50 temperature bins are further summarised as means and standard deviations. GMI TEMPERATURES: Temperatures from each proposed GMI assessment temperature field will be processed as descibed above. Temperatures will be interpolated in the vertical if necessary. EVALUATION: The grading will mainly be based on the mean temperature differences in the 40N - 50N latitude band at 50 hPa. The monthly average difference will be calculated for each field and used to compute the rms difference over the annual cycle. The proposed GMI temperature field closest to the climatology gets the highest grade. Variability will also be considered by comparing the standard deviations for each field. In addition, plans are to compare other latitudes and levels as well as the full temperature distributions for selected months. These comparisons will serve as general quality control checks.