This is the software needed to read df format files. df_idl_lib.tar.gz is a gzipped tar file that contains all the IDL df procedures and functions. df_idl_codes.tar.gz is a gzipped tar file that contains definitions of special codes used in df. dfdoc.dvi.gz is a gzipped dvi file (from TeX) of the df manual is a gzipped PostScript file of the df manual To install these, decide where you want to put the df stuff. Say, /usr/local/df/. First, create some directories: mkdir -p /usr/local/df/idl mkdir /usr/local/df/codes Then, unpack the files: gunzip -c df_idl_lib.tar.gz | ( cd /usr/local/df/idl && tar -xovf - ) gunzip -c df_codes.tar.gz | ( cd /usr/local/df/codes && tar -xovf - ) Finally, permanently configure your environment variables: add /usr/local/df/idl to your IDL_PATH define METCODES to be "/usr/local/df/codes/" Note that some of the IDL routines (e.g., will require other IDL routines not included here. You will find those in our general IDL library, which you can obtain in