SUBROUTINE UNDUMP #include "com2d.h" c 1 O(3p) 26 CH3OOH 51 CF2ClBr c 2 O(1d) 27 Cl 52 CHClF2 c 3 O2 28 ClO 53 C2Cl3F3 c 4 O3 29 HCl 54 C2Cl F4 c 5 NO 30 ClONO2 55 C2ClF5 c 6 NO2 31 Odd N 56 HF c 7 NO3 32 HO2NO2 57 CClFO c 8 N2O5 33 Cly 58 CF2O c 9 N 34 CFCl3 59 H2O* c 10 HNO3 35 CF2Cl2 60 BrCl c 11 N2O 36 CCl4 61 Cl2O2 c 12 H 37 CH3Cl 62 ClOx c 13 OH 38 Wat 63 ClONO c 14 HO2 39 Ox 64 Cl2 c 15 H2O 40 CH3CCl3 65 N2 c 16 H2O2 41 O2(1delta) c 17 H2 42 N(2D) c 18 CH4 43 CO2 c 19 CO 44 BrO c 20 CH3 45 Br c 21 CH3O2 46 HBr c 22 CH3O 47 BrONO2 c 23 H2CO 48 Brx c 24 HCO 49 CH3Br c 25 HOCl 50 CF3Br c Find out which of these numpers are really necessary c Get the proper common blocks c Create the "right" fort.4 file from an old one (i.e., write a translater) c The idea is to read how many species are in the file, and then to load c the arrays based on the location numbers that are given above. c Any fort.4 file may be used to start a run, regardless of the number of c species. If there are less, the species will be ignored. If there are more, c the species not present in the fort.4 file will be initialized with zeroes. do 300 ik=1,Z$ do 300 ij=1,L$ do 300 js=1,S$ c(js,ij,ik)=0.0 300 continue READ(4,1) ISP print *,' isp=',isp read(4,99) 99 format(1x) 1 FORMAT(4I3,34I2,/,30I2) 2 FORMAT(4e15.8,I3,e15.8) 3 FORMAT(6e13.6) 4 FORMAT(I5) READ(4,2)TX,TSS,DECD,DAY360,IYR,DAYST DAY0=DAY360 DO 200 I=1,ISP read(4,4)JS DO 150 IJ=1,L$ READ(4,3) (C(JS,IJ,IK),IK=1,Z$) 150 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE Cef Cef also need to define M array here for inital call to contin 1/17/95 Cef DO 400 IK=1,Z$ DO 400 IJ=1,L$ M(IJ,IK) = C(3,IJ,IK)/0.21 400 CONTINUE C RETURN END