SUBROUTINE DUMP # include "com2d.h" c find out if there are any other needed commons c are there any variables here we don't need? c print *,' isp in dump=',isp WRITE(8,1) ISP WRITE(8,99) 99 FORMAT(1X) tss=0.0e0 WRITE(8,2) T,TSS,DECD,DAY360,IYR,DYT360 c ISP is the number of constituents in the run DO 10 JS=1,ISP WRITE(8,4) JS DO 10 IJ=1,L$ WRITE(8,3)(C(JS,IJ,IK),IK=1,Z$) 10 CONTINUE 1 FORMAT(4I3,34I2,/,30I2) 2 FORMAT(4D15.8,I3,D15.8) 3 FORMAT(6D13.6) 4 FORMAT(I5,10X,A8) WRITE(6,7171)DYT360 7171 FORMAT(' WRITE OUT DUMP AT DAY TOTAL=',1Pe15.8) RETURN END