C WRITE(6,110) 110 FORMAT(' Read in Tn, the total # dens. (cm-3) of Al2O3',/, * ' Format 1pe11.3',/,' 2345678901') READ(5,101)Tn 101 FORMAT(1pe11.3) pi=3.14159 c rho is the average mass density (gm/cm+3) rho=2.7 c Bmic is the mean radius in microns Bmic=0.5618 c Bcm is the mean radius in cm Bcm=Bmic*1.e-4 c W is the weight of an Al2O3 molecule (gm) W=1.6926e-22 c D is the number of condensed phase molecules possible (cm-3) D=rho/W c A is the coefficient (m-3 micron-1) - this is per radius A=(Tn*1.e6)/(8.*pi*D*Bcm*Bcm*Bcm*Bmic) write(6,505)A 505 format(' The coefficient (m-3 micron-1) is',F15.4) EN=A*0.2307 write(6,510)EN 510 format(' The total number of particles (m-3) is',F15.4) STOP END