subroutine alumaer c Subroutine alumaer ------- David B. Considine, 11/11/96 c This subroutine calculates the surface area density for c Al2O3 particles produced by solid rocket motor emissions. save include 'com2d.h' COMMON/ALOX/ALO25(9),ALO35(9),RKALO25(Z$),RKALO35(Z$), * AERAL(L$,Z$) real vfallal(l$,z$), c vfallalmax,dtsedal, c alfluxcorr,delgrid,ral2o3,rhoal2o3,ndensal,tempal, c prodal,lossal integer idtsedal c initialization: data init /0/ if(init.eq.0)then init=1 alfluxcorr=20.0 ! allows to adjust flux depending on dist delgrid=2.e5 ! vertical grid resolution, centimeters ral2o3=0.685 ! mean radius of al2o3 aerosol parts, microns rhoal2o3=3.97 ! density of al2o3 parts, g/cm^3 endif c Sedimentation calculation. The code assumes that the c Al2O3 particles follow an exponential distribution, with particle c size distribution n(r)=(N/ro)exp(-r/ro). The sedimentation c flux depends on the size distribution. According to my notes c (hetchem research, 11/1/96), The sedimenting flux for an c exponential size distribution is: J=20*n*v(ro), where n is c the number of condensed phase molecules per unit volume of c air, and v(ro) is the fall velocity of a particle of size c ro, the mean radius of the particle size distribution. c This results in the setting of the variable fluxcorr to 20, c and is equivalent to increasing the fall velocity by that c amount. c first calculate the fall velocity field and maximum fall velocity vfallalmax=0. vfallalmaxlat=0. vfallalmaxalt=0. do 10 ij=1,l$ do 10 ik=1,z$ ndensal=m(ij,ik) tempal=temp(ij,ik) vfallal(ij,ik)= c alfluxcorr*fallvel(ral2o3,rhoal2o3,ndensal,tempal,0) if(vfallal(ij,ik).gt.vfallalmax)vfallalmax=vfallal(ij,ik) 10 continue c calculate time step for sedimentation. The time step is calculated c so that no gridbox can fall through the gridbox below it in one c sedimentation time step. dtsedal=delgrid/vfallalmax if(dt/dtsedal.le.1.)then idtsedal=1 dtsedal=dt ! no need to change timestep else idtsedal=int(dt/dtsedal)+1 ! number of iterations necessary if( ! limit number of iterations dtsedal=dt/(idtsedal*1.) vfallalmax=delgrid/dtsedal endif c Do sedimentation. Loop idtsedal times, use time step of dtsedal: do 20 ii=1,idtsedal do 20 ij=1,l$ do 20 ik=1,z$-1 if(vfallal(ij,ik+1).lt.vfallalmax)then prodal=dtsedal/delgrid*vfallal(ij,ik+1)*cn(69,ij,ik+1) else prodal=dtsedal/delgrid*vfallalmax*cn(69,ij,ik+1) endif if(vfallal(ij,ik).lt.vfallalmax)then lossal=dtsedal/delgrid*vfallal(ij,ik) else lossal=dtsedal/delgrid*vfallalmax endif cn(69,ij,ik)=(cn(69,ij,ik)+prodal)/(1.+lossal) 20 continue c Surface area density calculation. This code assumes that the c Al2O3 particles follow an exponential distribution, with particle c size distribution n(r)=(N/ro)exp(-r/ro). From Beiting, c "Characteristics of Alumina Particles From Solid Rocket Motor c Exhaust in the Stratosphere," Aerospace Report No. TR-95(5231)-8, c ro=0.685 microns and alpha (the mass density of alumina particles) c is 3.97 grams/cm3. The conversion from condensed molecule volume c number density to surface area density is accoring to notes of c 11/12/96. c number of Al2O3 molecules per cm^3 of condensed phase alphal2o3=rhoal2o3/(101.9612*1.66e-24) do 30 ij=1,l$ do 30 ik=1,z$ aeral(ij,ik)=cn(69,ij,ik)/(alphal2o3*ral2o3*1.e-4) c The 1e-4 converts from microns to cm 30 continue return end function fallvel(rad,density,ndens,tem,iwrite) c Function fallvel ---------- David B. Considine, 11/11/96 c Code to calculate the fall velocity for a particle of radius r, c which is passed to the function. The fall velocity is calculated c according to Kasten [1968]. (Kasten, F., Falling Speed of Aerosol c Particles, J. Appl. Met., Oct, 1968 c declare variables real radius,rho,ndens,tem,sigsq,mfp,bet,s,dynvis,a,b,cc, c grav,fallvel,rad,density integer iwrite c code assumes radius is in microns and rho is in grams/cm^3. c convert radius to meters and rho to kg/m^3: radius=rad*1.e-6 rho=density*1.e3 c Calculate mean free path. According to the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, c 1976, the mean free path is given by the relationship: mfp = c sqrt(2)/(2*pi*sig**2*N), where sig is the effective collision diameter c (3.65e-10 meters) and N is the number density (units of #/meter**3) c mfp units are 1/meters sigsq=1.3323e-19 mfp=.22508/(sigsq*ndens*1.e6) c Calculate dynamic viscosity. The formula is: c dynvis=bet*T**(3/2)/(T+S), where bet is ..., s is Sutherland's c constant (110.4 Kelvin). The units are Newtons/sec/meter^2. bet=1.458e-6 s=110.4 dynvis=bet*tem**1.5/(tem+s) c Calculate fall velocity. The factor of 100 results in cm/s c output. a=1.249 b=0.42 cc=0.87 grav=9.8 fallvel=0.2222*rho*radius*radius*grav/dynvis*100.* c (1.+ mfp/radius*(a+b*exp(-cc*radius/mfp))) if(iwrite.eq.1)write(6,*)'in fallvel',rad,radius,rho,density, c ndens,tem,dynvis,mfp,a,b,cc,fallvel,s,bet,sigsq return end