Information for Using Photolysis Look-up Tables-----------961101 For real help contact Randy Kawa, Address: Code 916 NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 Telephone: (301) 286-5656 Fax: (301) 286-1662 e-mail: Visitors: Building 21 Room 245A The files currently included in this directory include: tphotcodes.f -- fortran subroutines to read data, interpolate, integrate over wavelength, calculate, and sort J values. The sorting subroutine is unnecessary and included mainly as a place holder, but it has species list in it. phot1dtst.f -- sample fortran driver to use tphotcodes. stab_ctm28.xdr -- binary array of radiative source function values as funtions of pressure, wavelength, solar zenith angle, and overhead ozone column (see below) stab_ctm28.unf -- above in F77 unformatted file structure. -- fortran unformatted array of J(infinity), ie., J values (solar flux x cross section x quantum yield) at the top of the atmosphere in each wavelength interval for temperatures at 1 K intervals from 150 to 350 K (see below). indx_ctm28.dat -- formatted array of fixed pressure level values, wavelength bin centers, solar zenith angles, and ozone columns at each pressure that were used to produce the s table. Notes: The radiative transfer calculations run to construct the flux table are from Don Anderson and Bob Demajistre of the JHU APL. This set is for clear air with a surface albedo of 0.3. Refs available. The original calculations were done on the WMO 85 wavelength grid and the wavelengths above 450 nm were subsequently grouped together. This set of cross section and quantum yield evaluations is from JPL 94 except for O1D from Michelsen et al. Note that several JPL photolysis rates are in question, e.g., NO3 and Cl2O2. The results from this procedure have been tested in comparison with M. J. Prather's calculation for most species. Differences are for the most part attributed to differing assumptions for cross section and quantum yield evaluations. Figures available. The o3fit routine may be used to specify column o3 from the underlying table O3 profiles indexed to total O3. Please let me have your comments, suggestions, and questions.