Program phottst parameter (long=1,lat=0) !fossils parameter (levels=1,nlevphot=28) parameter (nx=22,nlam=79,nsza=20,numo3=12) parameter (nts=200) c Arrays containing photolysis rates, overlying o3, and c solar zenith angle. real aj(37,0:lat,levels) REAL o3prof(nlevphot) REAL aj25(37,0:lat,nlevphot),kel25(long,0:lat,nlevphot) real colo3(0:lat,nlevphot),szan(0:lat) c Define arrays needed for calculation of photolysis rates. REAL o3fit(8) !totalO3-pv fitting coefficients real xtab(nlam,nts,nx) real sdat(nsza,numo3,nlevphot,nlam) real rlam(nlam),sza_tab(nsza),o3_tab(numo3,nlevphot) REAL o2jdat(nsza,numo3,nlevphot) REAL plevs(nlevphot) Data plevs /921.95, 771.36, 648.07, 547.72, 447.21, 1 346.41, 273.86, 223.60, 187.08, 162.02, 139.64, 2 118., 100., 88., 77., 68.1292, 57., 46.4159, 3 31.6228, 21.5443, 14.678, 10., 6.81292, 4.64159, 3.16228, 4 2.15443, 1.4678, 0.681292 / C sample O3 profile (molec cm-2), #7 of the table, about 375 DU REAL colo3_7(nlevphot) DATA colo3_7/1.1516e+19,1.1447e+19,1.1355e+19,1.1248e+19, 1 1.1098e+19,1.0851e+19,1.0529e+19,1.0153e+19, 2 9.7430e+18,9.3623e+18,8.9262e+18,8.3872e+18, 3 7.8259e+18,7.3824e+18,6.9183e+18,6.4981e+18, 4 5.9010e+18,5.2369e+18,4.0343e+18,2.9843e+18, 5 2.1290e+18,1.4368e+18,9.0456e+17,5.3860e+17, 6 3.0354e+17,1.6312e+17,8.4567e+16,2.1794e+16/ c Read in lookup table photolysis rate calc. c Read in cross-section, quantum yield, and solar flux data. open(unit=23,status='old',disp='keep',form='unformatted' 1 , file='') lun5=23 read (lun5) xtab CLOSE(23) C open(unit=21,status='old',disp='keep',form='system') open(unit=21,file='stab_ctm28.xdr', 1 status='old',disp='keep',form='system') open(unit=22,file='indx_ctm28.dat', 1 status='old',disp='keep',form='formatted') lun3=21 lun4=22 call rdstab(lun4,lun3,nlam,nsza,numo3,rlam,sza_tab, 1 o3_tab,sdat,o2jdat) CLOSE(21) CLOSE(22) C range of pressure set from input data, limiting speeds calculations pmax=500. pmin=40. OPEN(unit=15,name='phot1dtst.out',form='unformatted') DO ipt=1,100 szan(0)=FLOAT(ipt) !input SZA here temp=220. !these could vary also as in flight track data press=50. Crk Figure out over what range of pressures to calc photolysis rates DO ip=1,nlevphot-1 IF (pmax.GE.plevs(1)) THEN ipmax=1 ELSEIF (pmax.LE.plevs(ip).AND.pmax.GT.plevs(ip+1)) THEN ipmax=ip ENDIF IF (pmin.GE.plevs(1)) THEN ipmin=1 ELSEIF (pmin.LE.plevs(ip).AND.pmin.GT.plevs(ip+1)) THEN ipmin=ip+1 ENDIF IF (pmin.LT.plevs(nlevphot)) THEN ipmin=nlevphot ENDDO C Calculate photolysis rates. In this version, a partial profile of J rates C is calculated and then interpolated to the trajectory point in pressure. c SZA comes from traj file c Calculate overlying ozone column from total O3 fit to pv. Cbells and whistles Call seto3(o3_tab,xpv,o3fit,o3prof) C set profile of temperature and O3 for J profile calc do ik=1,nlevphot do ilat=0,lat do ilon=1,long kel25(ilon,ilat,ik)=temp colo3(ilat,ik)=colo3_7(ik) end do end do end do c Calculate photolysis rates. call jcalctraj(1,szan,colo3,kel25,xtab,sza_tab,o3_tab,sdat, 1 aj25,ipmax,ipmin,o2jdat) C Interpolate J profiles onto pressure of traj point do ilat=0,lat do ij=1,37 do ik=2,nlevphot IF (plevs(ik) THEN frac=(press-plevs(ik-1))/(plevs(ik)-plevs(ik-1)) GOTO 334 ENDIF ENDDO !nlevphot ik=nlevphot !press over top of table frac=1. 334 CONTINUE frac=AMAX1(frac,0.) !press outside table max use bottom prof diff=aj25(ij,ilat,ik)-aj25(ij,ilat,ik-1) aj(ij,ilat,1)=aj25(ij,ilat,ik-1)+diff*frac ENDDO ENDDO Write(15) szan WRITE(15) aj !write output js at sza ENDDO CLOSE(15) end