c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read monthly average daytime average OH mixing ratio at the given c set of latitudes and pressures. Source: c c Fleming, E. L., C. H. Jackman, R. S. Stolarski, and D. B Considine, c Simulation of stratospheric tracers using an improved empirically c based two-dimensional model transport formulation, J. Geophys. c Res., 104, 23911-23934, 1999. c c Easily compiled on SGI with: f90 ddaescu.f c -------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=4) lat(18),pres(46),oh(18,46,12) character*3 month(12) data month/'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun', + 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'/ open(unit=11,file='/misc/ard02/nielsen/ddaescu.oh.dat', + form='unformatted',action='read',status='old') read(11) lat,pres,oh print *,'Latitudes:' print *,lat print *,'Pressures (hPa):' print *,pres do j=1,18 print 10, lat(j) print 11, (month(m),m=1,6) do k=1,46 print 12, k,pres(k),(oh(j,k,m),m=1,6) end do print 11, (month(m),m=7,12) do k=1,46 print 12, k,pres(k),(oh(j,k,m),m=7,12) end do end do stop 10 format(/,'OH mixing ratio at latitude ',f5.1) 11 format(/,' K ',4x,'Pressure',6(9x,a3),/, + ' ---',7(2x,'----------')) 12 format(' ',i3,2x,f10.4,6(2x,1pe10.3)) end