Dr. Paul A. Newman

During January 2003, Dr. Newman and the aircraft field missions group were heavily involved in the SOLVE-II mission . As part of SOLVE-II Dr. Newman and Dr. Mark Schoeberl served as co-project scientists for the NASA DC-8. We provided both forecasts and flight planning tools for the operation of the NASA DC-8 which was operated from Kiruna, Sweden.

A powerpoint presentation shown by Drs. Newman and Fred Stroh at the EGS meeting in Nice, France (April 2003) that summarizes the mission.

Last Updated: 2003-01-06
Author: Dr. Paul A. Newman (NASA/GSFC, Code 916) (newman at notus.gsfc.nasa.gov)

Web Curator: Dr. Leslie R. Lait (SSAI) (lrlait at notus.gsfc.nasa.gov)
Responsible NASA organization/official: Dr. Paul A. Newman, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch