Dr. Newman was the co-project scientist with Dr. David Fahey ( NOAA Aeronomy Labratory) of the Photochemistry of Ozone Loss in the Arctic Region In Summer experiment (April-September, 1997). The objective of POLARIS was to understand the behavior of polar stratospheric ozone as it changes from very high concentrations in spring down to very low concentrations in autumn. POLARIS involved a total of 17 instruments and associated groups from a variety of US government institutions, university groups, and international groups. The mission has components from satellite (SAGE, TOMS, HALOE), the NASA high altitude ER-2, and high altitude balloon payloads.
Last Updated: 2001-10-11
Author: Dr. Paul A. Newman (NASA/GSFC, Code 916) (newman@notus.gsfc.nasa.gov)
Web Curator: Dr. Leslie R. Lait (Raytheon ITSS) (lrlait@ertel.gsfc.nasa.gov)
Responsible NASA organization/official: Dr. Paul A. Newman, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch